The Karaoke Hut

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Zayn POV

"Zayn!" Perrie whined. I looked at her lovingly.  Perrie and I have been dating for a month and its going to be two today! I planed having her go to her work with her friends. She works at a place across from us called Karaoke Hut. I invited the others since they also love music. I just hope I can do this good enough. 

"What Perrie?" I asked sweetly. She pouted. ''I don't want to go to work today!" I smiled. "Perrie you have to. There are no tattoo orders today. I wanted you to go back and work with your friends." She grinned. "There you go again. Thinking of others wants." I chuckled. "Well I need to care about my girl don't I?" She nodded. I looked at my watch. "Guess what?" She rolled her eyes. "I'm going to work, Zaynie.Don't tell me" She then walked out. I chuckled. Now to go call the boys and get ready. Oh my god. I just got an idea! 

~Time Skip~ (I'm lazy)

"Please sir! Just for today!" Liam begged the doctor. Liam and I only went because we wanted to leace the others to practice. The doctor sighed. 

"Just for today. I will load her up in a wheelchair." I smiled and hugged the doctor. "Thank you!" He smiled back then walked to room 317 just like last time.  "You know you didn't have to hug him. Right?" 

I nodded. "I wanted to. Perrie loves Ella and if Ella is well enough she can sing to Perrie!" Liam smiled. "You really have this planned out." I nodded again. "I love Perrie. I need this to be perfect." Then the doctor came out with a thin girl with a metal arm. I say girl because I couldn't believe it was Ella. She looked up. It was Ella because she smiled with the dimples of Harry and the darkest green eyes. She tried to stand out of wheelchair. "No Ellla. Please stay seated." The doctor said. Ella stuck her tounge out childishly. 

"Hi Zayn and Liam." She said clearly. It looks like she can sing! Liam leaned down to hug her. she wrapped her arms around his neck. She whispered something in his ear. I wonder?  "Hey Ella? Do you think you can sing?" She nodded. " I think I could." i smiled. "Its for Perrie.''  Liam then went behind her to push her to the car. "I wonder how we will fit you in there, Ella." Ella laughed. "I'm not that heavy!" We alll laughed. Great we are alll together now. Just hope Vic and Sandra are good! i will call them later.


HELLO FELLOW FANBOYS AND FANGIRLS! I told you I would start to try to update more! Amyway. Guess what guys! INK IS ALMOST OVER! Yes! I think I have maybe 3 or 4 chapters left to do. I do hope you guys liked it! Will Perrie like her suprise or Will someone break the mood? FIND OUT NEXT TIME ON INK! ~Jay

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