Help! Ed Sheeran?

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Harry POV

 "LOUIS!" I screamed. I couldn't help it. I just met the guy and I have been so whiny I need to prove I'm bad. Andy ran to the roof where Sandra and others were as well as Liam and Zayn. Dylan had already ran off. I saw Louis looking down with tears in his eyes. "Ok Louis. It will be okay just breathe the guys will get you!" I yelled.

"They can't! I went and jumped here." I shook my head. this was another building. Damn! "Just let go!" Louis stared at me. "ARE YOU FUCKING NUTS?!" "I will catch you! Do you trust me?" I hoped he would trust me at this point. Louis nodded and let go. I tensed. I caught him! Louis shivered in my arms. I kissed his forehead. I felt like I had to. 

"ELLA! NO!" Vic screamed. She ran over to Ella. I couldn't look at my own sister! It was gruesome. The Ed guy walked over to her. 

"I'm really sorry, Vic." She sobbed while having Ella in her arms. "SOMEONE CALL 911!" She sobbed. Sandra then came running to her aid taking half of Ella in her arms as well. Niall and Perrie were pushed away by Zayn and Liam so they weren't scared. Thats when I saw him. "Ed Sheeran?" He nodded. "I wanted to help so I did and I'm sorry this happened." I nodded slowly while Louis started to whimper. "Sh its ok.." I whispered. Andy tried to soothe Sandra and Vic at the same time but nothing worked they still sobbed. The police and Fire department had come. A gurney was pulled out right away and ella was loaded up. Sandra and Vic were then questioned because they were crying and covered in blood. 

One of them came up. "Hey. The names officer Hemmings. Me and my fellow deputees are going to find the man who did this."  I nodded. "Thank you, Mr. Hemmings" He shook his head. "Call me Luke." "Ok, Luke." He nodded. "Your sister is in critcal condition. She has lost a lot of blood,. Don't worry we will care for her." "I know you will and thank you Luke" Luke had then left with Ella in tow. Louis whined. "Whats wrong Lou?" "I have class but I don't want to go." "I will write a note for you so then you and Niall can get your tattoos!" Louis smiled. God his smile was to die for! Why did I think that? "Lets go to my flat and Liam can take Niall's to his." Louis nodded. "Do I still have to carry you?" Louis nodded. I laughed. "Fine just for now." When I get to the flat all we need is to find the sleeping areas.


HELLO FELLOW FANBOYS AND FANGIRLS! Sorry I haven't updated! My computer broke down! But here it is! Will Louis and Harry find a connection and Will Ella see the light? Find out next time in INK! ~Jay

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