Ink's Present Day Lives?

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Third person POV

        The boys have gotten so many hits and fans the world loves them! One Direction has been a big hit since they got together 4 years ago! They had been tied with the management Modest! The thing was that they hated it. Zayn and Perrie were engaged and happy. Harry and Louis were forced to hide and have beards. Niall and Liam haven't even told Modest about them. Sandra and Vic were a group and were X factor  Judges. They enjoyed their lives. Ed and Vic were still dating and going strong. Many people were behind them. Some people not but Ed didn't care as long as he had Victoria with him. Sandra was the same with her husband Andy Beirsack from Black Viel Brides. Black Viel Brides was also a succesful band. The band was great friends with the others so there was no complications between no one.

Ella was a very scared girl four years ago. Now she is able to walk again and is performing and writing a book on her life! She hasn't found anyone because she feels as if she would be weighed down. As for the boys they try to set her up on dates but she stands the guys up. "I don't want to be held back!" She says each time she is asked about it. She could really care less about getting a date or marrying someone.

Dylan was arrested and was sentenced to life as well as Harry and Ella's Father as they did more killings then the one they tried with Ella. Dylan was interviewed before he was arrested about the scene. He had said Harry and Ella didn't need to live for being brats to their father. That interview haunts Ella but is happy they won't be able to go out of jail anytime soon. 

All of their futures were bright and they hope to stay this way forever. They all want to be forever young and happy.


HELLO FELLOW FANGIRLS AND FANBOYS! Hi guys the last chapter! I had an Idea though. If you wanted to you can ask any character anything you want! Message me the questions or just comment below! Thanks for reading! Bye Lovlies! ~ Jay

Ink (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now