The News

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Louis POV

I walked with Harry slowly to his and Ella's flat. I looked up at Harry seeing that he was still crying.  I hated that he was taller then me.

"Harry?" He looked down at me. "I'm really sorry!" He smiled and hugged me. I blushed. "Thanks." He whispered. I nodded. When we walked in i looked around.  I smiled at the pictures that hung on the walls. A little Harry and Ella in each picture. I chucled at the ones where Harry was smiling while Ella was on top of him tickling him. "Yeah I was a wuss as a kid." I smiled. I walked slowly looking at each photo. Harry was really cute. He picked up the last picture I never saw. "I don't think this is a good picture." I raised an eyebrow and I saw it. " Harry thats acctually hot." Harry snorted. "Do you like nerds?" I nodded. "Not as much as bad boys though." He blushed pulling his jacket off.

We then watched Grease in his living room. Then it came the call. Harry and I were singing along and laughing our heads off like old friends. I saw Harry's phone light up but he didn't see. He looked at me worried. "Whays wrong, Lou?" I blushed at the nick name then pointed to his phone. Harry nodded then grabbed his phone. " Hello?" I looked at the TV so I wouldn't listen in. I have a habit of it.  "NO!" I heard Harry scream. I ran to where he wandered off to. The phone was broken on the floor. "Harry?" I knelt down next to him. "She l-l..." I stared at him. " Harry? You okay?" He looked up at me tears and shook his head. I frowned. I took his hand in mine then asked: "Will you tell me?"

He took deep breaths and then nodded. I squeezed his hand. He whispered it. My eyes widened. "Can I sleep, Louis?" I nodded and let go of his hand "Bye Harry." Then I left for my dorm. The words kept repeating in my head. I knew the truth but this hurt me more.

"Ella lost her arm."


HELLO FELLOW FANGIRLS AND FANBOYS! I finally updated! Haha sorry for the wait! Will Louis tell Harry the truth and Will Ella survive? Find out next time on Ink! ~ Jay

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