Why Ella?

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Harry POV

I passed Ella's desk so many times today Zayn took me away from it. Where the hell is my sister? "ZAYN FUCKING MALIK!" I yelled. He ran out of his room looking at me. "What the hell, Harry?" I glared at him. "Where is Ella?" He fumbled with his Bob Marley Tee. " Ugh. I can't lie anymore." He looked at the ground. "Z. Where.Is.Ella." I said walking with a fist curling. "She is at the hospital." I looked at him angry. "ZAYN! THIS WHOLE TIME ELLA HAS BEEN IN THE HOSPITAL! WHY?!" He looked at me sadly. "To protect Ella." "TO PROTECT HER?! I"M HER PROTECTER! I AM THE ONE WHO SHOULD BE HELPING HER!" He glared at me. "SHE IS HER OWN PERSON! SHE KNEW YOU WOULD DO THIS SO SHE RAN WITH SANDRA TO YOUR FLAT!" Zayn Screamed. I took a step back and curled both hands into fits. "EVER SINCE MY FATHER BEAT HER I PROMISED MY MUM BEFORE SHE DIED TO PROTECT HER! IF SOMETHING BAD HAPPENS TO HER ITS MY FUCKING FAULT!" Zayn looked at me. "Go. Now."  I stared at him in disbelief. "Why?" He chuckled. "That was the first time in three years you said anything about your dark father." I nodded and ran out of ink hoping that Zayn and Vic would be okay the rest of the day. 

~Time Skip!~

I ran into the hospital. "Name?" The woman asked me. "Ella Styles. I'm her brother!" She nodded. "Room 317." I nodded and ran to the elevator. Third floor! I ran out to bump into a blue eyed angel. "OH MY GOD! I'm so sorry, mate." He took my hand and I felt sparks. Ignore it Harry. "I'm Louis." I smiled. "I'm Harry." "Why are you here?" I looked down. "My sister  Ella is here." " I know where she is!" I steped back astonished. This beautiful man knew my Sister. Are they dating? He took my hand and led me to her room. When I walked in my smile dropped and so did Louis' .


HELLO FELLOW FANGIRLS AND FANBOYS!!! How you guys doin? I am happy that I updated. What condition is Ella in and will Harry get mad? Find out next chapter! BYE!!! <3 ~Jay

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