Karaoke Day! (Part 3)

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Ella POV

I was watching the stage when it happened. Dylan started walking towards the stage. I knew that green hoodie anywhere. I looked for the sharpest thing. A knife! I threw it so it landed in the wall next to him. He turned around. 

"Oh Ella?" Dylan asked darkly. I gulped. That was stupid! "You look very healthy! Thats not good for me and your father." When he said father I snapped.  I rolled in my wheelchair as fast as I could and tried to get Perrie to call the police. That's when I saw him. My own father. Ten years I haven't seen him. I liked it that way. I stopped. Everything stopped. 

"My little girl." He called. I shivered at his voice. I covered my ears as he tried to talk again. I heard people  coming. Dylan then saw them throwing me into a closet. I was about t scream when he wrapped his arms around me. My eyes widened. No! I ripped myself away from him. 

" Get off me!" I yelled. He laughed as I cowered in the corner. This room is too small! "Why? I love you , Ella." He said getting close to me again. "Yeah trying to kill your love is so fucking romantic!" I yelled again. He smiled. " I was going to do this the easy way." I glared. "YOU LOW LIFE! You hurt me here! You get arrested!" I screamed. The door opened and it was Officer Hemmings! He attacked Dylan getting handcuffs on him.  I tried to walk out and saw so many people out here. I fell but got caught. 

"Watch yourself." I looked up to be caught by Harry. "Thanks Bro." I said trying to walk but falling feeling a sharp pain in it.  I crawled to my wheelchair. When I got in it I saw many other peole crying. I

 wondered why. 

"Hey are you okay?" Louis asked when he crouched down. I nodded. I stuck my arms out for a hug. He gladly wrapped his arms around me. I smiled when he shivered. "Your metal is cold." I laughed when he pouted. Niall walked over. 

"I'm sorry." I shrugged. "Shit happens." He smiled. My eyes widened as I still had to perform. "Guys I need to get on stage!" I yelled. Zayn pushed me up the ramp to the stage.  I saw people fill back into their seats. 

"You good?" Zayn asked worriedly. I nodded smiling. I made sure to be in the middle of the stage. Perrie then walked to the name board. 

"Next up we have...Ella Styles." She had tears in her eyes from Zayn but now had started to form new tears as she saw me. I smiled my best at her. She must have not seen me before.  I sighed lowly as the music started. 

(A/N: Music on side as usual.) 

I finished the song seeing the crowd sheering and seeing police cars leaving outside the windows. I smiled. The end of toture. I wheeled down the ramp to see so many people surronding me. I smiled as a big man with the boys. He made the people flee back to the dancefloor. 

"Paul Higgins. Nice to meet you." He said. I smiled. "Nice to meet you too. I'm Ella" He smiled back.

That was that me and the boys and Sandra and Vic got record deals and became big people in the music world and I couldn't be happier.


HELLO FELLOW FANBOYS AND FANGIRLS! The last chapter is next! I hope you guys liked this story and don't hate like my last story! Anyway! The next chapter is going to be updated right after this one is up. So I hope you enjoyed! Bye! ~ Jay

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