Cleaning Act

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Liam POV

"Mate, what are you doing?" Harry asked. I sat down for a little break. "Cleaning." He smirked. "You never clean the room! Do you want to impress him?" i felt heat rise on my cheeks. "I think he's cute okay?" He pinched my cheeks. "Aw little Liam has a crush!" I swatted his hands away. "How are you 20, Harold?" He smiled and started to walk out. "Remember Liam. Protection."  I muttered a shutup and he left. Ugh Harry is like an annoying brother. Two hours till Niall comes! I should make sure I look good.

I ran to the bathroom. I styled my red and brown hair into a quiff. Yes my hair is colored. Ella dared me and said that it looked nice so I kept it. I fixed my jean jacket and made sure nothing was on my face. I wonder if this guy will like me. UGH. I'm so stressed. One the new client and two Harry keeps acting like a 5 year old. Harry you would be suprised at how many girls swoon over him. Even girls from the UNI from four blocks away will come to Ink just to see him. It's annoying. People do it to Zayn and I too. It's like we are a boyband. (AN: Sorry had too!) The girls even scream! It is horrid. Speaking of Zayn wonder what he's doing. I walk out of my room making sure no girls were here. I knock. "Come in." I entered his office. "Why would you let me in? I could've been one of those crazy fangirls!" He shook his head smiling. "Liam. I know how you knock." I raised my eyebrow. "Your knock is strong. Harry's is the beat of Sexy Naughty Bitchy me!" I laughed. "Nice one, Z"  "He does have a thing for that song. I hear him hum it all the time." Harry has to listen to it all the time! It is better then all the girls coming in though. "Hey Zayn?" He hummed. "Do you think we all stay together?" He looked at me sadly then sighed. "I don't know,Liam. We could all break up." I looked at the ground. "I just want Ella to be okay..." Ella means alot to me when i first met her she was the sweetest and nicest girl in the world. Then one day it changed and she turned into the mean girl she is now. Harry is the same guy he always been. Ella went through more though..."I do too but we can't do anything, Liam." I nodded. "Now Liam get out of here and get the tattoos from Ella." "Yes Z" I walked past the bathroom to hear sobbing. I opened it there was Vic and Sandra. "Guys whats wrong?" They turned around showing Ella covered in bruises. 

"ELLA!" I ran over. "Hey Liam." She smiled. "Was it the girls?" She nodded. I held her close. "Liam, bruises." I pulled back. "Sorry" She looked up at me. "Can I go home?" "Yes let me get Harry." "NO! Please I don't want him to worry." I nodded. "I will drive her to her flat. I will be back soon!" Sandra offered. "Okay we will get back to work! C'mon lets go Vic!"


HEY FELLOW FANGIRLS AND FANBOYS! How ya guys doin? Sorry I haven't updated but here! Hope you guys enjoy! Oh and the song I mentioned is on the side!

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