Niall's Problem

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Niall POV

 Today I finally get a tattoo! Well maybe...I may have just done this just to see the hot Tattoo Artist. I just wish Louis wasn't such a little kid! HE LOCKED ME IN MY CLOSET! Also Louis is my only friend in UNI besides this girl I met sneaking into classes. She didn't come in yesterday though. "Oh poor little Niall." Louis sang. I banged on the door twice. "LET ME OUT, LOU!" All that devil did was laugh. I am so going to kill him. "Nope your staying in there until you say we can skip." I sighed. I have perfect Attendance and now I won't. You could call me a goodie goodie but I won't be since I'm getting a lip pericing and a tattoo. Louis and his friend Eleanor called me gay since i dyed my hair Lilac. They will regret it since i'm gonna get to look like a punk but anyway back to the situation. "Fine we can skip!" He unlocked the door. "YAY!" He yelled. "Shutup! Lets go for a walk okay?" He nodded. We strolled out of our dorm only to find Eleanor waiting outside. "Ok. What the fuck are you doing here El?" She glared at me. I have always hated her she bullied me when Louis was gone and I can't do anything about. "I wanted to hang out too!" She pouted. "Plastic bitch." I murmered. "What was that Niall?" Louis asked. I shook my head and started to walk away.

Why is Louis so stupid to hang out with her? She sleeps with 2 guys a night. That's the reason she hangs out with Lou. She just wants to get in his pants. The thing is...HONEY HE GAY! I could hear them talking about how Louis never wanted to hang out. " El I'm sorry. i just want to hang with Niall." She slapped him and walked away saying crap about Lou.  "Ow. I'm usually the one who gives bitchslaps." I laughed. " C'mon mate lets go eat!" He rolled his eyes. We agreed on McDonalds. We walked into find a room full of girls surrounding a black quiffed man with dark brown eyes. Louis' eyes widened. "Holy shit is it rush hour for that guy?'' I shrugged. The guy got out of the crowd finally after 20 minutes. The girls were clearing. The guy had bruises on his arm. "Mate you all right?" Lou asked. The guy looked up and nodded and held out his hand. " Yeah thanks. I'm Zayn. You can call me Z." I smiled and shook his hand. "I'm Niall and this Louis." He smiled back. "You used to that?" "Yeah. It happens at my parlor to so I'm really used to it." Parlor? "You own a place?" "Yeah. Wanna talk? I'm on break." "Sure." We sat in a booth. "Where you guys coming from?" "We walked from UNI." He raised an eyebrow. " Shouldn't you be in class now?" We nodded. "We skipped." "Ah I did that alot and dropped out and made the tattoo parlor down the street." "Nice I want to drop out but Niall won't let me." He pouted. "You a good guy?" I shook my head. "I'm changing my image. I was gonna get a tattoo today." He smiled. "Where?" "Ink of course." He chuckled. "Thats my place." "Really?!" Louis snickered. I glared at him. "Whose the other guy that works there." "Well there's Harry and Liam. Why?" "Well my friend here has a crush on one of them." I blushed crimson. Zayn Grinned. " Well both are single so you could date them." "Well it was nice meeting you Z!" I got out of the booth and walked seeing Lou wasn't behind me. I then saw the girl i met at UNI and her friend. The girl was bruised and cut lying on the ground and her friend was shaking her yelling her name: Ella. i ran over. "Here i'll call 911." Her friend looked at me. "Thanks. I don't have my phone because my car broke down 10 miles from here." i nodded and got an ambulence. "I'm Sandra." "I'm Niall." i smiled at her. "What happened to her?" I asked as the nurses got Ella in the ambulence. "I can explain at the hospital. C'mon lets go, Niall." She held her hand out for me to get on. i looked back seeing Louis and Zayn looking for me. "NIALL! WHERE ARE YOU?"  I nodded and jumped on as soon as the pair got close. 


HELLO FELLOW FANGIRLS AND FANBOYS! How have you guys been? Sorry haven't updated in a while. Dat cliffhanger! Whats going to happen to Niall and Louis' Friendship and Will Ella make it without Harry knowing??? Find out in the next Chapter! Bye my lovelies! ~Jay

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