almost there

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Your pov still

I kept cooking until I was done. I set the bowl of soup on the table and waited for sangwoo to come back and tell me what to do. While I was waiting I hugged my stomach cause it felt bad. Not that bad but bad, it felt like cramps. I looked up and saw sangwoo looking at me as I stopped hugging my stomach. "Are you ok?" sangwoo asked, "y-yeah im fine" I said, "ok well he's here so ill bring you down to the basement now" sangwoo picked me up and patted my back as I flung my arms over his broad shoulders. He brought me downstairs and set me up angainst the wall. "Now be quiet or your gonna be a goner when he leaves" sangwoo wisperd in my ear, I covered my mouth with my hands as I saw him walk upstairs.

Sangwoo's pov

I walked back upstairs to see yoonbum looking around "so you've changed the place a little" yoonbum said and sat on the floor. "So we gonna have fun?" I said and walked to my bed room. "Remember this place" I sat on the bed and patted for yoonbum. "Y-yeah I d-" I smashed my lips into yoonbum's and started rubbing his (you know what) "hmmhmh" I could hear yoonbum moaning inbetween kisses. I pulled back, "happy?" I said as yoonbum crawled on all four "I don't think im satisfied yet" yoonbum said crouching to level up his face with my boner. I unzipped my pants and it flung out just touching the tip of yoonbum nose. He slowly put his mouth on it and started sucking and swirling in circles on my boner with his tongue. He had his hands firm on my thighs and spread them farther apart. "See you've learned a bit more~" I said about to moan. I soon couldn't help it and cummed in yoonbum's mouth. I saw him pull away and sit up as I put my parts away. "Yeah I learned a lot" yoonbum said as I motained for him to come closer. I hugged him tight. "I love you" I said and rubbed his back. "Sorry sangwoo but I have to go this was the only time I had" yoonbum said I nodded and let go. I stood up as I watched yoonbum leave. He waved goodbye and left. I licked my lips and went down to the basement. I looked were she was. She was gone!, I looked in the kitchen and even upstairs. "Fucken shit" "shit, shit, shit" I said while stomping around. I ran outside. "Oh no come on!" I ran around and then up to a pole. "UGH! ERRAAHHH"  I punched the pole till my knuckles started bleeding. I stopped and held the pole in place. "Maybe she's still at home" I said and ran home. I looked around with my eyes wide as I looked in the kitchen I saw her laying there. "Sangwoo?" she said as I fell to my knees and on my bum. I reached my hands out for her as she crawled over I embraced her in a tight hug. "Your still at home" I said.

Your pov

I was embraced in a tight hug as he said outload. "Your still at home" 'home?' I thought 'this isn't my home' he stopped hugging me and looked down at his pants I looked to. I saw red blood on his pants. "Oh! I see" he said so nicely as he got up and picked me up to. He brought me to the bathroom and stripped off all my clothes as he did so he put me in the bath and started the warm water. "Look ill go get some pads ok you wash up"
"Oh and don't stay in the bath to long ok"  sangwoo said and left, I took the soup and started scrubbing my parts and every thing else. I felt drowsy, do I layed my head back as I started to drift asleep. I slowly fell asleep in the bath tub.

At the store

Sangwoo's pov

I put the pads on the check out counter. The check out lady scand it and I picked it back up after I paid her, "thanks" I said and left "bye" she said waveing goodbye. I got in my car and drove home. When I walked in i heard the water still running  and I went straight to the bathroom. There I saw y/n laying there asleep in the bath rub. 'Err! I said to not fall asleep' I thought and shook her awake. "Y/n! Wake up!" I yelled at her, I saw her open her eyes "huh" she said, "ERR!" I slapped her hard.

Your pov

I woke up to sangwoo shaking me. "Huh?" I said and opened my eyes as I looked at sangwoo tiredly he slapped me hard across the face. My head flung to the side as some water shook out of my hair from the slap. I brought my hand up to my cheek to feel it swelling. I could feel the print of his hand on my cheek. I looked at him as he threw me the towel and the pads. "Ugh I have some underwear from the other woman"  he said and walked off, after a while he came back with green and black underwear. He threw it at me and waited for me to stand up. 'What does that bastard want me to stand with broken ancles' I saw him roll his eyes and walk over to me. He picked me up as I balanced on one foot and held onto his shoulders. I put my feet through the foot holes of the undies. Sangwoo put the pad in the underwear and pulls it up he grabs one of his big turtle necks and slides it over my head as he holds me up I slide my arms through the sleeves of the turtle neck. I soon heard a knock and looked as I saw Sangwoo's face looked worried.

That's it for now word count

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