more pain

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Your POV

I kept looking in the mirror. To scared to look at sangwoo or else he might do something. I was frozen in position. I felt sangwoo move his head a little lower. I could almost feel his lips on the back of my neck. I could feel is warm breath hit my neck as it sent shivers down my back. He leaned in closer and closer. He started kissing my neck roughly. The weirdest thing was he licked my neck to. I sudden blush started to appear on my face as he reached my sweet spot.

He sucked and kissed more rough. As small moans started to come from my mouth. He knew I was injoying this just a little. Soon a bite came. I jurked and pulled away as I looked at sangwoo. He was licking his bloody fangs. Wait! Fangs? He has fangs?! I stepped back a little as I ran out of the bathroom. 'This is bad very bad, well actually not as bad as being kidnapped' I ran into sangwoos room as it was dead end of course. I turned around and he was right behind me. Well shit.

I sat in the corner of the room hoping I wouldn't die today. When I noticed sangwoo wasn't gonna kill me he was going to grab some clothes to wear. I looked up as he walked over to his closet and grabbed a white T-shirt and some jeans. He faced his back to me and dropped the towel and all I saw was his glorious ass. I watched as he slid on his jeans and his shirt. I noticed his tail was caught in his jeans. "Errr! Shit! Y/n" he said angrily. "Yes woo" I decided to give him a nick name. "Can you please go get the scissors" he said in a ruff voice. I got up and headed to the kitchen.

I opened the junk dwore (sorry my mind won't let me spell a easy word today) and got the scissors. I walked up to sangwoo and handed them to him. He slid of his boxers and cut a hole where the tail would be. He took out all his pants well almost all just half. He cut hole where the tail would be in half of his pants. I looked away as he sat on his bed Bottomlessness. When he was done he stood up and put his boxers on.

He also put his jeans on. "That's better" he said as he walked into the kitchen and I just watched his tail sway up and down. I got up and followed him to the kitchen. I watched around the corner as he pased back and forth. I steadily stood up and kept my  balance by leaning on the wall. Sangwoo stopped paseing back and forth and just stared at you. Sangwoos eyes widen as he walks over to you. You stay put not wanting anything to do with him. Sangwoo bent down over you as you looked at the floor.

"Tomarow is daily chores no slacking ok" sangwoo said in a rough tone. "Ok" I said not even looking back at him. I turned around to head back to bed but was soon grabbed by the back of my shirt. "Oh no no not tonight" he said as he dragged me to the basement door and opened it. He walked down the basement steps and dropped me. I layed motionless.

"Night night fatty" he said as he walked back up the stairs and closed the basement door leaving me in the dark. Those words spun in my head for hours. I knew I wasn't fat but some how it hurt me to hear him say that. The words kept repeating in my head. There not that mean. I thought over and over again. I fell asleep to my worthless screams and crys in my head.

Next day

A bright light hit my face. I opened my eye slowly as I saw sangwoo walk down the stairs. I watched as he staired at me. "Tired huh?" He said as he tilted his head. He bent down and grasped my hair as he dragged me up the stairs. Tears pricked my eye as I fought through the pain. He finally let go when we reached the top. He didn't say a thing well at least not for a while. I sat up and started to crawl to the kitchen as the pain throbbed inside me. I was almost to the kitchen when I gave out. My body dropped to the floor as I could hear sangwoos steps come closer. "Hm? Seems you are really tired" I could almost hear is smirk. "Oh I know" he said as he bent down and layed me on my side. He grasped the middle part of my leg and slowly started snapping it in half. My eye widened as I felt pain rush though me. My leg finally snapped and he moved me to the other side of my body. He started to do the same thing with my other leg. I grasped at his arms as I tried to pull away. "Fucking bitch stop pulling" I let go and started to drag my self. "THATS IT!!" sangwoo grappled the colour of my shirt and punched me towards the floor boards. He let go of me for a mare second as he left to the kitchen. In almost a minute he came back with...scissors? I sat up as he headed over to me.

Sangwoo grabbed one of my shoulders and pulled me forward. He took his other hand squished my cheeks. My mouth opened automatically.

Sangwoos POV

I took the scissors after I opened her mouth fully. I pulled out her tongue as I started to cut down the middle of her tongue. She wimpered and cried as blood dripped from her mouth. "I'm going to make you a freak just. Like. Me" I said as I finished cutting and stopped. She snapped her jaw closed as blood dripped onto the floor. I watched as she fell to the floor as tears ran down her face.

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