36. A Brother's Love

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Farhan stared at me for a long time, judging me..watching me. He was analyzing me and the look in his eyes was cold.

Will Farhan be as angry as Asher bhai?

What if he took me back to Pakistan? What if he got me married? Would he not talk to me ever again? What if he became as strict as Asher bhai?

What if I lost my brother? What if my brother stopped loving me?

Yeah, I had all these questions in my mind, my head hurt..so did my heart. And I was scared too. My subconscious had a battle going on.

I looked at Farhan bhai, then looked down before a sob escaped my mouth.

I heard him turn around, his back facing me now, and as more sobs left my body, I heard him sigh loudly before he turned towards me again.

His eyes softened, and before I could even process it, he came forward and hugged me.

I sobbed even harder, my body shaking..I didn't know why I was crying.

Was I crying because of what Asher bhai had said to me? Or because I knew, there was no hope for Virat and I anymore.

I cried into my brother's arms waiting for him to console me.

And console, he did.

"Only you can cry like an idiot even when it's your mistake." He mumbled into my hair as he kept patting my back like he used to when we were little.

"Chup.." He tried to stop me from crying.

"I fell in love bhai, I don't know how, I don't know why..I just did." I said, still sniffing and crying in his arms.

He detached himself from me and lifted my chin up that was still wobbly and my lips still pouted.

"I don't support this Eira, I don't think I ever can." He told me and I sighed.

I didn't expect him to.

"But atleast don't be mad at me, I can take mom's silent treatment, Asher bhai's anger but you-I can't take when you're mad at me." I told him, clinging to him again.

I hugged him again, and he held me protectively. I cried more and more.

"I hate seeing you cry, Eira. Ab chup." He mumbled. My heart warmed a little.

I always thought Farhan would be more mad at me than Asher bhai, always thought he wouldn't even look at me.

But now that I think about it, my brother's love for me over shadowed every wrong thing that I did.

He loved me too much to be mad at me.

Farhan shook his head a little, confused.

"This makes no sense to me, Virat Kohli?"


"Wohi mila tha tujhe?" He asked. There was a hint of playfulness that he hid behind his firm voice.

"What could I have done bhai? I fell in love." I whined.

"And love is blind." He scoffed.

"No, love has no boundaries." I shot back, very politely not wanting to trigger any anger that hid inside of him.

"I'm not happy with you Eira, but I want you to tell me every thing, every fucking thing-then I decide if I should be mad at you or not-"

He told me, and as we sat down..I started to tell him the tale of what actually happened. And how it happened.

How Virat and I became friends, how we met in Dubai, how he asked me out when I was in NewZealand, how surreal everything was.

My love life was so different and so complicated in a way, and yet it was the same.

I looked at Farhan who had his hands in a tight fist, I knew why.

He was angry that I lied to him, constantly.

He hated liars.

"Want to say something about it all?" He questioned me after I finished telling him the complete story.

I held his hand, and sniffed.

"I'm sorry I didn't stay in my limits." I mumbled lowly and then sniffed one more time as a few tears oozed out.

"You and I both know I don't give a flying fuck about the limits, what I do know is the fact that you lied to me, constantly, hid it all from me." He shot back and I nodded, listening to him obediently. I had to, I didn't have another choice.

"I know, I am really sorry bhai. I swear I really am." I was sorry, I shouldn't have lied to him.

But sometimes hiding the truth made you happy.

Farhan bhai took a deep breath and then glanced at me. He took my hand and put it on his head.

It was a gesture that we used to do so the person wouldn't lie.

"Answer one question Eira and we can forget everything." He said, and waited for me to say yes.

"Okay.." I did.

"Are you pure?" My eyes widened.

So it had come to this? My brother thought I had lost my virginity?

And why wouldn't he? I, after all lied to him through out.

"No, bhai. I could never do that." I answered him truthfully and relief washed all over him.

I finally removed my hand from his head and he let me. Then he took out his iPhone considering he had broken mine.

I still had to fight him for that but now wasn't the right time.

"Good. Take my phone, send a goodbye text to him and finish it all-" I gasped. I couldn't break up with him.

Could I? No.

"Bhai! Please no." I pleaded but he shook his head.

"Eira, do it. Do you want to go to Pakistan and get married forcefully or would you rather continue your studies here and finish it off with him?" He asked, his eyes raised awaiting for my answer.

"I thought you understood, bhai." I murmured sadly.

"There's a difference between understanding and possibility Eira. I'm saving you from the future pain."

He said, kissed my forehead and sat on the couch, waiting for me to text Virat. He knew if he left the room, I would call him.

To :

Virat Kohli ** ((India))

It's me. So newsflash : My family found out which u know obv.

My elder brother is extremely angry and I don't know what to do. Things aren't good and I miss you so damn much. I couldn't contact you and I know that you promised me that you wouldn't come in the scene until I tell you to.

I still don't know if it's the right time or not but I just need to tell you that I love you so much.

Farhan bhai understands me, but he is also extremely mad about the situation, told me to breakup with you. I don't have the heart to do that, to give up on us..I want you to fight for me but I also want you to have peace in your life, Virat.

You changed my life..as cliche as it sounds and I wish things get better but if they don't, please know that I have loved you with all my heart. Hopefully I always will. Love, Eira! Xx

His reply came back in an instant.

Virat Kohli **((India))

I'm not letting go of you, I love you.

I loved him too, but was love enough for us to survive? I didn't know.

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