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"I'm walking into the bar now. When are you and Marshall going to be here? Oh so you don't know? Perfect. I need a drink. Something strong and filled with bourbon." Rosalie hung up her phone and went over to the bar, "yeah, can I get Maker's Mark? Two actually." the blonde sighed and felt a tap on her shoulder and turned around.

"Have you met-Rose?"

"Nice to see you too Barney." the blonde turned back around, handed the bartender her credit card, "open tab." grabbing her two drinks and turning back around. She smiled at Barney.

"When did you get back to town?"

"Uh two hours ago. So who do I need to meet?"

"Ted. But you already met Ted. We were playing the game "have you met Ted."

"Fascinating as always. Hello, Ted."

"Rosalie, Lily told me you were moving back to town." the two old college friends hugged.

"Why didn't Lily tell me?"

"Probably because you constantly try to sleep with her best friend?"

"Maybe. But Ted isn't going to meet anyone new tonight because he didn't suit up." Barney said hitting his friend.

"Poor thing. Can we sit or must we continue standing."

"We can sit." Ted said, "did you hear that Marshall is proposing to Lily tonight?"

"I did not. That some news and here I am still single. I'm rocking life. Closest thing I got to marriage, hell even a relationship with the hot guy I sat next to on the plane here."

"We could play have you met Rosalie after we finish have you met Ted."

"If I wanted a random hookup from the bar, I'd sleep with you."

"I'm up for that challenge." Barney said with a smirk on his face. Rosalie raised a brow before picking up one of the glasses and downing it. 

"Go play your game. Get Ted a girl." 

The bar was beginning to get more and more packed as the night moved along. Ted was talking to some girl about his dream wedding, which wasn't going to help him in anyway. But Ted had always been a hopeless romantic. 

"You wanna go out sometime?" Ted asked the girl

"I'm sorry, Carl's my boyfriend." Rosalie couldn't help but laugh at the statement 

"Sup' Carl?" Ted asked, putting his hand up. Rosalie went back up to the bar and ordered another drink, Barney came to stand beside her.

"You still hung up on our boy?"

"Our boy? Our boy who?"

"Don't play dumb, Rose."

"No I'm not." Ted came over to join them and looked between the two.

"Why am I freaking out all of a sudden? This is crazy. I'm not ready to settle down."

"You're freaking out because your best friend is getting married. He's moving on in life and you're stuck in the same place. No girlfriend. Not getting closer to marriage or kids." Rosalie said with a shrug.

"Damn you and your minor in psychology." 

"How does Carl land a Lebanese girl?" Barney asked completely ignoring them.

"The plan's always been don't even think about it until you're thirty."

"Exactly. the guy doesn't even own a suit."

"Plus, Marshall's found the love of his life. Even if I was ready, which I'm not, but if I was, it's like, "okay, I'm ready. Where is she?"" Ted turned around and found some girl. Rosalie found her line of sight and found him staring at a brunette in a green sweater. The blonde rolled her eyes and sighed when the brunette kept looking up at him as well, "hey, Barney, see that girl?"

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