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Rosalie had no idea how she got here. To this point in her life that she was currently at a dating agency. She had agreed to go with Barney who was forcing Ted to sign up and then she was sold by a worker there that she should sign up as well. She hadn't told anyone about her one night stand with Barney because though she liked Barney as a friend it was absolutely desperate of her to actually sleep with Barney. They have of course talked about it because Rosalie demanded it of the man who normally never sees his one night stands again. They both agreed never to tell anyone, well Rosalie forced Barney into not tell anyone ever. So as she stood in Love Solutions with Barney and Ted filling out her questionnaire form the blond male kept looking over at her.

"Why do you keep looking at Rosalie like that?" Ted asked, Rosalie sighed.

"Because if she tried hard enough she could easily get a date or a boyfriend. But this is the perfect opportunity for us we'll meet our soulmates, bang them, then never call them again." Barney said. Rosalie rolled her eyes and the door opened revealing the owner of the company.

"All finished, you three?" they all handed over their clipboards, "congratulations, you have just taken your very first step."

"Gosh, thanks, Ellen. I sure hope this works. I'm--I'm so done with the single life." Barney said, "all the games, the meaningless sex."

"You deserve more." Ellen said before walking to her desk, Rosalie and Ted sat down next to each other and smiled at each other.

"That is so true, Ellen. I--I really think I'm ready to stop being a me, and start being a we." Barney sat down next to Rosalie, "hey, is there any way I can let it be known that I love cuddling?"

"Oh, of course you...that is so..." Ellen was touched and writing it down on his form, "it's kind of hard to talk about with Ted and Rosalie here but I just want someone who's not afraid to hold me at night, when the tears come." Rosalie had to stop herself from breaking out into laughter, Barney was really laying it on thick to this lady. Rosalie hoped that she was smarter than that and was going to catch onto the act Barney was putting on, "Ellen, can you help me find her?"

"Get out." Ellen said, and Rosalie smiled.


"I get fifteen guys like you every week. Jerks who just wanna meet vulnerable women, nail them, and never call them again."

"Oh, my God, people do that?"

"Do you wanna do this the easy way, or the hard way?"

"What's the hard way? Security roughs me up and tosses me out?"

"No, that's the easy way. The hard way is that I stomp the crap out of you myself." Ellen stood and Barney stood quickly, followed by Ted.

"Okay, Ted, Rose, let's go."

"Not you two. You two stay. You're cute." she said looking at Ted, "and you, how are you single? Why haven't you scooped her up?"

"We've known each other since college. Only friends." Ted said.

"I'm also a workaholic."

"Ted, you're an architect. Good career. Rosalie, a social worker. And you two didn't use an obvious alias on your application like your friend "Jack Package"." Rosalie rolled her eyes.

"Barney, I swear to God. That man." Rosalie said. 

"It's pronounced Puh-kaj." Barney said coming to the door.

"Get out of here!" Ellen yelled causing Rosalie to laugh, she looked at Ted, "you two I can work with. You give me three days, and I will find you the woman and man you will marry." Ted laughed

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