Rosalie and Barney were both surprised to see Lily waiting for them at her apartment. The blonde made a noise and hugged Lily tightly. She had missed her best friend. Sure she loved Marshall with all her heart, but Lily would always be right there with family.
"When did you get back?"
"Not that long ago. I went to the bar, but decided not to go in. I came here instead." Rosalie turned around and looked at Barney and he nodded. He kissed Rosalie on the lips before leaving her apartment, locking it behind him, "he has a key now? You guys are getting serious."
"We aren't talking about that. We are talking about why you came back without telling anyone?"
"It was awful, Rose. I hated it. My instructor was a nightmare and told me I was horrible."
"Lily, you can't listen to that. He doesn't know everything."
"And I missed Marshall." Rosalie took in a deep breathe and looked at Lily, "he's over me, isn't he."
"No, but he's healing and it'd be selfish to ruin all his progress just because you changed your mind." Lily looked at Rosalie hurt and stood up rather quickly.
"Well, wouldn't want to be selfish would I? I'm gonna go stay with Robin, Rose, I'm glad to find out who's side you're on."
"Lily, I'm not on anyones side. I'm telling you the truth, something you need to hear."
"I want him back and until he tells me himself that he doesn't want me, I won't take no for an answer." Lily opened her front door and went out it, slamming it shut behind her. Rosalie sat on her couch and ran a hand down her face. She took in another deep breath before going to her bedroom to change out of her work clothes. She climbed into bed and took the chance of being alone to actually watch something she wanted to for a change.
When Rosalie got up the next morning, Barney was in bed next to her asleep and she smiled. She got out of bed, got dressed and then made them coffee, which brought Barney out to the kitchen. He spun her around to face him and kissed her.
"How'd it go last night?"
"I got her mad at me. Called her selfish and she left. What did you do last night?"
"Marshall checked out Robin's ass and so I helped him try and pick up girls."
"How'd it go?"
"Well, the one I was trying to help him with tried to go home with me but I came home to the only woman I want to be with." Rosalie smiled and kissed Barney, "I didn't tell him she was back in town though."
"Good, let him find out on his own. It's going to be bad either way. I'll see you after work?" she asked pouring her coffee into a togo cup.
"Yeah, see you at the bar." they kissed one last time before Rosalie grabbed her briefcase and left her apartment. When she got to the office, her phone was ringing and she picked it up, "Rosalie Clarke."
"Rose, it's Ted."
"Ted. What's up? Talk fast I have a lot of things to do today."
"Lily's back in town and according to Robin she is doing great and she's happy."
"Oh. I knew she was back in town I pissed her off last night which is why she stayed with Robin."
"Does that mean Barney knew?" Rosalie didn't say anything, "oh, we gotta tell Marshall."
"You can tell Marshall. Listen, Ted. As much as I love talking about relationship drama with you, I really gotta go. I have court in two days and I need to prepare."
"Bye, see you later." Rosalie hung up the phone and began working on her case. She skipped lunch and was there past midnight, but she didn't realize it until Barney came into the office carrying a bag of food.
"You never showed up, figured out haven't eaten and so here I am." she smiled at him and took the bag of food with one hand while she typed with the other, "important case?"
"Family of nine, seven kids and two parents. Parents locked them in the basement with no beds, only fed them dog food; once a day, water in bowls that they all had to share. Disgusting conditions. They're in the system right now, goes to court in two days. I'm trying to find a foster home that'll take all seven of them in. I would if I had the space, but I live in a shoebox compared to what they need." she looked at him and found him smiling, "what?"
"Just to see you so passionate about something."
"It's not always this bad, but it's cases like these that make it worth it. She stopped typing and turned her chair to be able to eat her food, smelling the burgers made her realize how hungry she was, "take a seat, stay awhile. Tell me about your night."
"Tried to help Marshall again." he said, "I plan on taking him to a college bar tomorrow night." Rosalie nodded, taking another bite out of her cheeseburger. She savored the taste and then turned to her computer, "you think you'll be able to come?"
"Probably not, I need to study this case tomorrow night. It's easier to do it at my house in a quite apartment. I'll call you though." she told him, "but I'm done for tonight if you wanna go back to my place." Barney smiled and nodded. Rosalie packed up her briefcase and threw the trash from her food away and turned off her computer. She grabbed Barney's hand and they walked outside together.
The next night Rosalie sat on the couch with a cup of coffee and had her files in front of her. Tomorrow was the trial and she was determined to send these parents to hell for what they did. She had been able to find a foster home for all seven children and so that was some pressure off her. She read over the case and was falling asleep on the couch, but woke up quickly when she saw the apartment door swing open and a very drunk Barney come inside.
"I'd thought you'd be done by now."
"I am just finishing, was going to go to bed to get a good nights sleep." she told him, "it's ten o'clock. You left early."
"I missed you." he said.
"Come on, let's get you to bed." she took on his suit jacket and a card fell out of it. She picked it up and flipped it over in her hand, "what's this?"
"Marshall got it and I took it from him, because we all know he's going to get back together with Lily when he finds out that she's back in town." Rosalie nodded and put Barney in bed, "I love you, Rosalie."
"You're just saying that because you're drunk."
"I'm not that drunk."
"Goodnight, Barney." she put him into bed and she got next to him.
"Goodnight, Rosie."

Spark: HIMYM✓
FanfictionSomething about the spark in his eyes drew me in. Lone book of the Rosalie Clarke series Season 1-2 of How I Met Your Mother Plot by: @AdoptedWinchester