Rosalie Clarke x Ron Swanson

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Season 3 of Parks and Recreation

Moving to Indiana was something Rosalie never thought she would do but after her breakup with Barney she needed a change of pace from New York. So she settled into Pawnee, Indiana where her cousin Leslie suggested she come. The five month pregnant social worker was happy in her new life. So as she walked into the Parks and Recreation department for the first time she was in a good mood.

"ROSIE!" she heard Leslie yell happily from her office before she came running out of it and coming around the counter to hug her. Rosalie wrapped her arms around the excited woman and smiled, "you didn't tell me about this!" she said rubbing Rosalie's belly.

"Yeah, well. This is something you tell someone in person." by this time they had gained an audience and Leslie turned to face her coworkers.

"This is my cousin Rosalie from New York. She just moved to Pawnee!" a man with a mustache was the first to move towards Rosalie. He was older than her but still handsome. She smiled and watched as he stuck out his hand.

"Ron Swanson." he told her.

"Rosalie Clarke. It's nice to meet you." she smiled brightly before going onto the next person.

"Tom Haverford. Leslie never mentioned having a gorgeous model like cousin."

"Well, she doesn't like to brag." the male reminded her slightly of Barney but not as much game.

"Rosalie Clarke!" a man said excitedly, "Chris Traeger. It's literally so awesome to meet you!" Rosalie looked at him and shook his hand, "how far along are you?"

"Five months."

"Where's the daddy?" an older man asked peering around her.

"In New York. We ended our relationship when we found out I was expecting. He never really wanted a children. So I gave him an out."

"So he isn't a real man then." Ron said looking at her.

"A real man whore." Rosalie said with a laugh.

"You said children." Rosalie nodded and held up three fingers and Leslie looked at her with wife eyes, "wanna go to lunch?"

"As long as wherever we go has amazing bacon and eggs. That's all I've been craving."

"To JJ's we go. You guys wanna go?" Leslie asked.

"Sure. I could go for breakfast food." Ron said.

"Count Ben and I in too. We haven't eaten." Chris said. Rosalie smiled and looked at Leslie.

"Let's go." once at JJ's diner they all took a seat. Rosalie looked over the menu and told the waitress her order.

"So do you know what you're having?" Ben asked her. She learned on the way over from Leslie that she liked Ben but wasn't allowed to date him because of Chris' rule of not being able to date coworkers.

"Three girls, so I'll have my hands full." Rosalie said with a smile, "but I'm really excited. I've always wanted to be a mom."

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