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Rosalie's entire apartment was empty, the movers just leaving with a truck full of her belongings. She'd be staying her final night in New York out at her dad's with her family and friends, apart from Barney who was once again avoiding her until she left. Rosalie heard a knock on her door it opened to reveal Marshall and Lily.

"This place looks bigger without all your stuff in it." Marshall said, "I miss your stuff. Don't go."

"I have to. I already paid the down payment on an apartment out in Anaheim. All my stuff is gone. Plus I can't keep playing this stupid game with Barney. He's a grown man who is acting like a child."

"We are gonna come visit every Halloween so we can go to Mickey's Not So Spooky Spectacular." Marshall said putting his arm around her shoulders.

"Sounds like a plan to me guys. You ready?" they both nodded and Rosalie closed her apartment doors for the last time. They got into a taxi and when they pulled up to the Clarke home they noticed that Robin and Ted were just being let inside by her dad. They got out of the taxi and walked inside the house. They watched movies together until their father went to bed and that was when the alcohol came out and the board games began. They had a fun night and Rosalie realized just how much she was going to miss her friends. The blonde laughed when all her friends woke up with hangovers while she was completely fine.

"When's your flight again?" her dad asked her from the kitchen table with a cup of coffee in his hand.

"Noon." she told him. She put some eggs on a plate with some toast and set it in front of him. She fed everyone as they made their way to the kitchen at the smell of bacon and smiled as she sat down at the table to eat, "I'm going to miss you all so much." they all looked at Rosalie and smiled to her.

"We are going to miss you too." Robin told her, "but it gives us an excuse to come to be warm during the winter months."

It was only Lily going to the airport, so Rosalie had to say goodbye to all the important people in her life. She would be lying if she said that she wasn't hurt that Barney wasn't going to say goodbye to her. But she couldn't make him doing something he didn't want to do. She cried as she hugged her brothers goodbye but they promised that they'd be out during the summer to come see her. She cried and held onto her father as they whispered their goodbyes to each other and she cried harder when he told her he was proud of her. Robin and the two girls shared a quick hug goodbye. Ted was longer;

"I'm going to miss you. You were only in New York again for over a year. Now you're moving further than before. What if I never see you again."

"There is no doubt in my mind that I'll be seeing you again, Teddy Westside."

"You called me Teddy Westside." he said with a playful smile.

"Yes, I did." the two hugged again and she moved onto Marshall, "come here my tall friend." the two hugged each other tightly. Lily and Rosalie looked at each other but said nothing, they would do their goodbyes at the airport. They got in the taxi that was waiting for them and rode in silence. Lily was the first out of the cab and she got Rosalie's suitcase from the trunk of the car. Rosalie walked over to her and the two girls starred at each other.

"I'm so happy for you but I don't want you to go. What am I going to do without you?"

"You're going to strive. Plus I'll be back for your wedding." Lily smiled.

"Well, you're my maid of honor so it'd be weird if you didn't." the two girls hugged each other tightly and they let their tears fall, "I'll see you soon."

"Of course you will. I'll call you when I land."

"You better. Take care of my godchildren out there."

"Always." they hugged one final time before Rosalie walked inside the airport. She went through security which took way too long but she got to her gate right as they were boarding first class. She went to her seat and waited for the flight to take off. Another person sat in the seat next to her but she wasn't paying attention to who it was.

"Do you know what inflight movie they're going to play?" Rosalie looked towards the voice and smiled.

"Barney, what are you doing here?"

"I needed to say goodbye."

"So you bought a ticket? You could've just picked up the phone."

"A phone can't express how truly sorry I am. I'm sorry I'm unable to be the man you want me to be. I'm sorry for not wanting kids. I'm sorry for blaming you. Rosalie, I'm truly sorry."

"I am too, Barney. Cause I believe you would've been a great father to our children. I appreciate the apology though."

"I do love you. I want you to know that. And if you need help with anything; money for anything please just call me."

"I don't need you money, Barney. What I need is for you to let me go. You gave me your apology but there's nothing left for us. You made your choice." he nodded and stood up.

"Goodbye, Rosalie."

"Goodbye, Barney."

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