Rosalie had been avoiding Lily since she had discovered Barney in her bed after the wedding. Rosalie had been avoiding Marshall because there was no doubt in her mind that Lily told him about her and Barney. Rosalie was avoiding Ted because he had called to tell her he met a girl at the wedding and was all very suddenly over Robin. As she thought about it, she had been avoiding everyone since last week; she had been denied parental rights to Mike and he would be moving in Germany to live with his Grandmother, someone he had only ever met once before Rosalie took him to the airport. She hadn't told her friends, not even Barney who had been calling her relentlessly. So when she walked into the bar and saw her friends at their normal booth, her heels clicking on the floor. She collapsed into a car and looked at them.
"Where the hell have you been? You black listed us all." Lily scolded, "I even came over but you changed your locks." Rosalie passed a new key over.
"It got broken into last week." she said.
"Why are you here?" Barney questioned, "where's Mike?"
"Germany. I got denied custody because his grandmother changed her mind and wanted to raise him."
"I'm gonna get you a drink." Robin said leaving the chair she was sitting in.
"I didn't even realized I wanted children before I met Mike. Sure I've always liked children, but I didn't want any of my own." she wiped at the tears going down her face and looked at Lily, "I didn't mean to ice you guys out. But you know that's what I do when something happens." Lily nodded in understanding.
"Hey, I'm really sorry Rose." Ted said grabbing a hold of her hand, Robin came over and handed her the glass and sympathetic smile.
"Thanks." she said to both Robin and Ted, "what were you guys talking about before I brought over my depressing party."
"I invented a game. It's called Marshgammon and I was just going to explain it to you." Marshall said with a huge smile on his face.
"Game night? Count me in. What's the deal with Marshgammon?"
"It combines all the best features of all the best games, Candyland, I Never, Pictionary."
"Backgammon, obviously." Robin said from her spot next to Marshall.
"No. Backgammon sucks. I took the only good part of backgammon, the gammon, and I left the rest of it in the trash where it belongs."
"I'm so excited Victoria's coming." Lily said. Rosalie looked over at Ted who was now smiling.
"I'm gonna get another round." Robin said, this caused Rosalie to look at her because she had just gotten her a drink from the bar and she was going back up.
"Okay. I wanna lay down some ground rules for tonight, Barney. I actually like Victoria a lot. So, don't say anything...don't say anything. And, guys, I haven't exactly told Victoria that I used to have a kind of thing for Robin, so if we could just avoid the.."
"Well, well, well, how rich. You make me promise to be on my best behavior around your girlfriend, yet you have been lying to her since day one. Excuse me." he pulled out his phone and placed it up to his ear, "hi, leg warehouse? Yeah, my friend Ted needs something to stand on." Rosalie shook her head and smiled at Ted, "so, nothing for him to stand on? Okay, thanks so much. Ted, doesn't Victoria deserve to know that you once had the hots for Robin? I have half a mind to tell the story of the re-return."
"No, you won't. Don't ruin this for him. I'll watch him Ted." Rosalie told him.
"I-I swore you to secrecy on that." Ted said.
"Ooh, I am smelling dirt." Lily said, "what is the story of the re-return?"
"Nothing. It's nothing." Ted said quickly, "and, speaking of digging up dirt, can I count on you two to behave around Victoria?"

Spark: HIMYM✓
FanfictionSomething about the spark in his eyes drew me in. Lone book of the Rosalie Clarke series Season 1-2 of How I Met Your Mother Plot by: @AdoptedWinchester