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When Rosalie was younger she loved Halloween. It was her favorite holiday up until the moment she chose her career and realized the monsters were real people who were shitty parents to their children. But every year she went to the halloween party up on the roof of the apartment building three of her friends lived at and every year she didn't dress up. But this year something was different, she went to the costume shop weeks before and picked out something she liked. She chose the classic Michelle Pfeiffer Catwoman costume. She was sitting at the bar with Barney and Robin, who she had unfortunately began to like in the weeks they first met. Though Robin and Ted weren't dating since he let it slip that he thought he was in love with her the woman was constantly hanging around. But, Robin was likable and Rosalie liked hanging out with her.

"Guess what came in the mail today?" Lily asked coming into the booth, kissing Marshall on the cheek.

"Our costumes? Do they rule?"

"They rule. And yours is one-hundred precent wool, so you won't get hypothermia like last year. Tarzan nipples blue."

"It was a disturbing sight." Rosalie said taking a drink of her beer.

"Well we can't all be lame like you, Rose. What are you doing this year? Tired social worker again?"

"Actually, no. I got a costume. A kid I've been helping convinced me."

"You know what I love about Halloween?" Barney said, "it's the one night of the year chicks use to unleash their inner ho-bag. If a girl dresses up as a witch, it's a slutty witch. If she's a cat, she's a slutty cat. If she's a nurse..."

"Wow, we get it." Lily said, "what did you get, Rosalie?"

"..She's a slutty nurse." Barney said finishing his previous statement. 

"It's a secret. I have to contain my secret identity."

"Well, I personally cannot wait to see it." Marshall said with a smile, "Robin, what are you doing for Halloween?"

"Oh, I don't know. Probably hanging out with Mike, this guy I've been seeing."

"Mike? There's a Mike? You have a boyfriend and you haven't told us?" Lily asked.

"No, I mean, he's not my boyfriend. He's just this guy I've been seeing for a couple weeks."

"Boyfriend!" Lily said in a singing voice, "do you also have a secret guy, Rosa?" Rosalie choked on her beer.

"I barely have time to come to the bar anymore, you think I have time for a boyfriend? Speaking of, I gotta go. I have court really early in the morning and then I will see you at the party. Goodnight." she leaned down and kissed Lily on the cheek.

"No kiss for me, Rose?" Barney said, the blonde glared at him and rolled her eyes before grabbing her bag and leaving the bar.

The night of Halloween with the help of her brother she got into her costume. He zipped it up from the back and she held the mask in her hand. 

"I don't see why you decided to dress up this year. Halloween is ridiculous." Wesley looked at her and then down at his own normal clothing. The Chemist was going with her to this party as her designated driver and wasn't dressing up at all.

"I don't know. I was feeling it this year." Wesley only laughed before sitting down on her bed. Clayton came into the room in his costume.

"You sure it's cool that we go?"

"Lily said I could bring you two. So yeah. I'm sure. Just don't get too drunk and make an ass out of yourself like you did at Thanksgiving last year." Rosalie told him.

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