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Rosalie sat in her doctors office, she had managed to get in on the Saturday where they were only up for four hours. She had just peed in the cup as instructed and was just waiting to get the news. She didn't bring anyone with her, only her family knew what was going on. Her doctor came into the room and looked at her.

"You're pregnant. You said you've missed your period for two months?"

"Yeah, I thought it was just stress and I just wasn't paying attention. I have a lot going on with work and family." she told her.

"Any weight gain?"

"Not noticeable amount. I've been drinking also before I took the home test. I didn't know. If I didn't I wouldn't have been drinking."

"If you stop now you and your baby should be fine. We took the blood work and we'll be able to get an estimate of how far along you are. We'll call you to set up an ultrasound later this week." Rosalie nodded and looked at her doctor. She took in a deep breath, "what's your plan? You look like this isn't what you wanted."

"For as long as I can remembered I wanted the picture perfect like. The nice house, the great job, the amazing husband, the kids. But the only thing I have is a great job, stressful but I love it. The father, my boyfriend has made it very clear that children were a thing he never wanted."

"Well, he's going to be a father."

"I think I'm gonna give him an out. We were friends before we started dating, really good friends."

"If you give him this out as you're calling it, are you gonna be able to be friends?"

"I don't know." she said honestly.

"You have a lot to think about. We'll be in touch with you."

"Of course, thank you." Rosalie got off the exam table and grabbed her purse. Before exiting she payed her co-pay and left. She didn't know who to turn to right now, she was dying to tell Lily; but Lily would tell Marshall and Marshall would tell Ted, and then it would get to Barney before she even had a chance to tell her himself. She hailed a taxi and went to her apartment. She was supposed to meet her friends at the bar in two hours and she didn't really feel like going, but it would raise suspicion if she didn't. She changed out of her work clothes and put on a pair of jeans and a flannel before sitting on her couch. She thought about all her options. She could tell Barney, he could freak out, dump her, and never want to see her again or she could tell Barney and he magically decides to step up to the plate. She sighed and picked up her cell phone.

"Hey, Rosa! What's up?"

"Hey, Lily. Can you come over?"

"Is something wrong?"

"I just really need to talk to you."

"I'll be right over." it took her forty-five minutes but she was there, opening the front door to Rosalie's apartment. She looked at her friend and instantly knew something was wrong with her, she wasted no time in wrapping her arms around her best friend.

"What I'm about to tell you can't leave this room. I'm saying you can't even tell, Marshall."

"Of course. I promise I won't, what's going on?"

"I'm pregnant." Lily's face formed a smile on it.

"That's amazing news though! You've always wanted children of your own."

"I know. But-"

"Barney doesn't." she finished for her, "have you told him?"

"Not yet." she sighed, "I'm conflicted about what to do."

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