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Rosalie sat next to Barney on her living room couch, her legs draped over his lap. She shoved some popcorn into her mouth and threw a piece at his head. They were watching Star Wars and she was laughing at the idiocy of Anakin Skywalker's sand speech. He threw the piece of popcorn back at her before kissing her. She was on his lap in the next moment and the movie was left behind. When they were finished they got dressed and went to the bar to meet everyone. Ted and Robin were dating finally and Marshall was getting used to life without Lily, while Rosalie was trying to get used to her best friend not being around anymore even though they talked every single day. She hated art school and missed New York and regretted going to the art program in San Francisco. 

Barney and Rosalie sat in the booth across from Ted and Robin, they were talking about the Lily and Marshall situation, something that they always talked about when Marshall wasn't around. 

"So he stays home all the time not getting laid?" Barney asked, "no, see that's what you do when you have a fiancee. He should be down here celebrating. He's free. He got that redheaded tumor removed."

"Excuse me?' Rosalie asked, "that's my best friend you're talking about. I know she hurt Marshall and I feel bad for him. But she is still my best friend."

"You know what Marshall needs to do. He needs to stop being sad. When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story."

"Why are you with him?" Robin asked Rosalie.

"Trust me, I ask myself that a lot.  But he is a good guy underneath it all."

"It's only been a month. He just needs to go at his own pace." Ted said, "anyway, Lily's the one who caused this whole mess."

"Hey, cut her some slack." Robin said, "she's our friend, too. She's just trying to figure out who she is."

"Figure out who she is? Yeah, she should call me; I got a whole list. She's selfish. She's immature. She's..." he looked at both Robin and Rosalie who had stunned looked on their faces.

"I'm going to punch you Ted." Rosalie warned

"What?" Robin asked.

"God, your eyes are so blue."

"Aw, Teddy Bear." they began to make out causing both Barney and Rosalie to stare at them. Barney mimics stabbing himself with a sword and Rosalie looked at him. She grabbed Barney's hand and they went back to his apartment to continue their Star Wars marathon. 

The next night they were at the bar again with Ted and Robin. They were telling Rosalie and Barney about how Marshall called Lily and barged in on them in the shower together to tell them she changed her number and that he talked to four other Lily's in San Francisco.

"This has to stop." Robin said, "Ted, we just started dating. We agreed we don't want to move too fast, and yet somehow we have a baby. He can't feed himself. He cries a lot, he keeps us up all night." Robin complained.

"Have you tried breast-feeding? Nailed it!" Barney said. Rosalie looked at both Robin and Ted.

"Go to your apartment tonight, Robin. I'll stay with Marshall while you two can have some alone time."

"You sure?" Ted asked.

"Yeah, I have a plan to help him. So yeah."

"I'll come too." Barney said.

"No you won't. It's a Marshall and Rose night. I'll call you tomorrow." she got out of the booth and went to the video store down the street from the apartment. She grabbed the movies before going to the liquor store next door. She grabbed the bottle of Patron before walking back to the apartment. She let herself in.

"Rose, what are you doing here?"

"Marshall and Rose night?" she asked holding up the movies and Patron. He smiled at her and he remained on the couch while she went to the kitchen to cut up a lime she had in her purse from making guacamole at lunch and grabbing the salt. She took two shot glasses out of the cupboard and joined Marshall who had put the movie in. The title card of Friday the 13th came onto the television and they took their first, two shots when the first two kills happened. They were on the third movie when they were so drunk and laughing up a storm and the cheesiness of the movie. She cuddled into Marshall and looked up at him, "remember the first time we did this?" she asked.

"When Daniel Markie broke up with you. I came over to your apartment because Lily was out of town and we watched these movies and drank tequila until we were so drunk Ted had to come over and take care of us."

"That was before we even knew Barney."

"Before you started dating Barney." Marshall pointed out, "how did that even happen, you're totally out of his league."

"I couldn't begin to tell you how I managed to fall in love with him."

"Wait, you're in love with him?" Rosalie was far too honest when she was drunk and Marshall knew this.

"Yeah, I am. But I'd never tell him that. He'd like it too much."

"Do you think he loves you too?"

"I think I love Barney more than he will ever love me and I'm okay with that." she said with a shrug, "this conversation is getting too heavy. Anyways who cares about my relationship. I wanna talk about how you are. You've been avoiding me before I forced myself back into your life."

"You and Lily are best friends, I figured you chose her side."

"She might be my best friend, but I still have my own thoughts. I think she made a mistake going to San Francisco. She could've done an art class here and been just fine. I think she is wrong for hiding it from you for so long. But I think you're wrong too, for refusing to let her go. You could've made it work, waited to get married until she came back. I love you both and you're both idiots." Marshall wrapped an arm around Rosalie and pulled her in closer. 

"I miss her so much, Rosie." he told her, he had tears running down his face and she sighed.

"I miss her too, Marshall. Who know's she might come back before we know it." she said, she grabbed the bottle of Patron and took a swig from it. She adored Marshall, he was like another brother to her and she hated to see him hurt. 

"Thanks for being honest to me."

"I am always honest, sometimes too honest."

"Not always, you hid your relationship with Barney from us."

"I wasn't going to tell you guys anything until I knew something was happening. Didn't want to risk jumping the gun, especially with Barney. You know what he is like."

"Yeah, that's why I ask you to be careful. I'd hate to see you get yourself hurt."

"Thanks, Marshall." they continued watching the movies until they passed out drunk. Marshall managed to crawl into bed while Rosalie was still on the couch when Barney came to get her the next morning with a coffee from Starbucks in hand. She groaned when she heard him say her name quietly, "go away." she said. She smacked his face and he made a noise causing her to sit up, "sorry." she saw Marshall come out of his room looking like a zombie. Barney looked at both of them and saw the empty bottle of Patron.

"So Marshall and Rose time consists of watching Friday the 13th and drinking Patron."

"It's a tradition."

"Well did it help?"

"Yeah, Rose. It helped." he came over and hugged her tightly, "thanks for being here for me last night. It meant a lot. Now I need lots of sleep."

"Me too, man. I'm gonna head home." they hugged again before Rosalie left the apartment.

"Do you think we got the old Marshall back?" Barney asked once inside the cab.

"No, but he's on his way to healing, give it a couple days."

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