8: Phone Number

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I drew out a loud sigh. My eyes trailed down my pocket notebook that were full of different company names and their phone number, most of them had been crossed out.

"Why is it so hard to find a job?" I said, chucking my notebook on the table before slouching back with my arms crossed.

"The struggle is too real for us young people in this day and age," said Sora.

"Exactly, I'm worried about how I'm going to get one after finishing college," said Eunbi, twirling her fork around her plate of pasta.

My phone buzzed and vibrated on the table, gaining all of our attention. I looked at the caller ID but couldn't recognise the number. I gasped when I suddenly thought of the possibility of it being one of the companies I had signed up for a job. The look on both of their faces suggested that they too were thinking of the same thing.

I squeezed my eyes shut, "Please accept me, please accept me."

Eunbi's eyes were wide circles and she was frozen as if she wasn't breathing in fear that it might interrupt me. Even Sora had put her book down and was paying full attention to me. I inhaled a deep breath, cleared my throat and pressed the green button before I could stall any longer. 

I opened my mouth to speak but the man on the phone beat me to it.

"Hello? We reviewed your application, everything is great but we will be unable to accommodate to your urm needs. So for that we can't accept you, I apologise for any inconvenience."

"What did they say?" mouthed Eunbi.

"Oh...well thank you for letting me know," I chirped, not wanting my disappointment to show in my voice.

I pursed my lips as I stuffed my phone in my jacket pocket. They looked at me expectantly, I met Sora's eyes and shook my head. Their faces fell, both letting out frustrated sighs. 

I clapped my palms together and sat up straight on my wheelchair. The corners of my lips tugged up into a forced smile.

"It's only day two of my job-hunting so let's not get disheartened so fast," I exclaimed.

It would have been easier to accept my rejections if their reasoning for not giving me a job were due to my legs. I had made sure to pick jobs that weren't too dependant on physical activities. Surely it wasn't necessary to be able to walk for a job where you sit at a desk all day. 

Of course there were easier ways for me to find a job. I could easily get Byung-Ho to get me one without me having to put in a single effort. But of course, the little pride that I desperately clung onto wouldn't let me take the easy route. After the past year of my aunt tirelessly looking after me, I wanted to do something to make her proud. The last thing I wanted to do was be a bigger of a burden on her.

"All of this discrimination crap we face is actually disgusting. And the fact that we just accept it and change ourselves to fit in is what makes it worse. Most of the time, I can never go past the first date after they find out about my leg, so I even stopped mentioning my disability all together. Why do I have to do that? It's bullshit!" said Eunbi.

"These struggles will pay off at some point,"said Sora.

"You're the lucky one," I commented, playfully nudging her arm. "You have a well-paying job, a happy family and a great boyfriend."

She blushed at my compliments and went back to reading without replying. I chuckled, shaking my head. Sora wasn't one to be comfortable with any sort of attention on her, whether it be good or bad.

After finishing our meal in the restaurant, I waved them goodbye before heading back home. When I entered the lobby, I spotted the young guard sitting alone in the small cafe. 

It was my first time seeing him since he helped me down the stairs and I had needed to talk to him. Therefore, I joined him. He looked up from his sketchbook that he'd been looking at with such intense focus just a second ago.

He sat up straight, putting his sketchbook faced down. He blinked a couple of times, eyes slightly wavering. He reminded me a lot of Sora, both never looked people in the eyes. I made the assumption that he probably wasn't one to strike the conversation first so I broke the ice instead.

"Where have you been? I never got the chance to thank you properly for helping me."

He lifted his arm to scratch the back of his neck. "You don't have to do anything."

My eyes narrowed. I was all too familiar with that response. That was basically my aunt's favourite phrase. Every time I told her I wanted to repay her, that was what she always said. Whether she meant it or not, it never stopped me from having the desire to return the support she had given me. And I wasn't going to stop now.

"Nothing too big if that makes you feel any better. I will treat you with a meal or something," I said, with a shrug.

"I have no time, my break is almost over," he said. His voice was quiet and gentle, like a whisper.

"It doesn't have to be today. I'm not a busy person so you can decide when."

I tried my best not to sound too forward and intimidating. Those were the two words Sora used to describe me with her first impressions of me. The last thing I wanted was to have my good intentions completely twisted by coming across as a total creep.

He licked his bottom lip, pausing to think. "Yeah, sure."

"Great, I should give you my number."

Without replying, he fished his hand in his pocket before taking out his phone to pass over to me. I dialled my number and saved it under the name That awesome girl  upstairs. With a straight face, I returned his phone.

He snorted. "Seriously?"

My shrug was nonchalant. "This might be a beautiful opportunity. Love is an open door," I said, winking.

That definitely got him off guard, his brows slightly raised. If I was to describe what he reminded me of, maybe a lost child. He didn't smirk or return the banter like the guys I was used to.

"Relax, I was just messing with you. You don't have to deal with me after a meal and you can delete my number then," I chuckled. His shoulders loosened up and he let out a sigh, I wouldn't have been surprised if he had been holding in his breath all along.

I didn't take offence to his actions. Especially since I wasn't exactly interested with becoming buddies with the awkward quiet guard. It had taken me quite a while to get close to Sora but he seemed even less social than my introverted friend. It was clear to both him and me that our personalities clashed.

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