19: Daddy

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I drummed the arm rest on my wheelchair with my fingers. My eyes wondered around the mess before me that was my large walk-in closet. It was times like then, when looking for something, did I wish I was more diligent with organising my clothes.

"Where could it be?" I thought aloud to myself as I tried my best to recall where I had last put the black drawstring bag.

I started off low, opening each drawer and rummaging through its content. Every time I pulled out another drawer, an audible sigh would come out; frustrated at my failure to find the bag. Clearly, I was not much of a patient person as I thought I was.

"He seems like a great guy."

I stuck my head out of the clothes and looked past the wardrobe door to see Jungkook. He was leaning on the door frame of the room, arms crossed and a slight scowl on his appearance.

"What on earth are you talking about!" I asked.

"About James," he replied, now fixating his eyes on me, "Have you guys met up since then?"

I turned my attention back to finding the drawstring bag. "Yup, multiple times that now I consider him to be a very good friend of mine."

"Good friends?" he repeated.

I finally found the bag in a neglected drawer which housed all of my sports attire from when I used to be an athlete. I cheered as I picked up the bag, relieved to have eventually discovered it.

When I opened it, I was relieved to not be greeted with the unpleasant smell of cheesy feet coming from my old running shoes. It's strong odour had been invading the room so I decided to wash it soon after moving into the apartment. This meant all the visible stains of my many hours of running in the shoes had disappeared. It looked practically new, meaning that I could now begin my journey in something new and exciting.

I wheeled myself towards the door and Jungkook moved to the side to let me come out of the room.

"Why are you so invested in my relationship with James?" I asked, as I led us down my hallway.

"I'm just being a good friend and looking out for you, nothing out of the ordinary."

I laughed at Jungkook's attempt to explain his curiosity. Ever since James first began teasing me about him, I couldn't help but feel as if every small thing was a sign that maybe Jungkook reciprocated more than just as a friend. Like him constantly having to ask about James at least once a day.

Unless, he was more interested in my newly made friend than me. What a plot twist that would be. The thought of James' hypothesis about him being completely wrong made me laugh to myself again.

"You are such a dad," I commented.

"-dy" he finished off very quietly but it was enough for me to hear him.

I whipped my head around and glared at him, I could see him physically struggling to hold back his smile. I grabbed the black drawstring bag from my lap and hurled it towards his head. Due to his unfortunately fast reflex, he caught it before it could do him damage.

"Where did you learn to think such foul thoughts?" I scowled. "Because I'm sure it ain't from Jun."

I was genuinely horrified by how out of character his comment was. I feared it was a product of how close we had become and I prayed this wasn't his true colours seeping through his facade which he had tricked me with. All my thoughts of him being pure, flooded out of my mind.

He clutched his stomach as his laughter echoed all the way to the high ceilings. He walked over to me to pass back my bag containing my shoes.

"I apologise," he said, lifting up his hands, "That will never happen again, I promise."

Running Shoes | j.jungkook [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now