25: Antarctica

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"Don't lie!"

Sora and Eunbi were now turned away from the kitchen counter and were gaping at Iseul who was peeling potatoes at the dining table. Iseul glanced up at their shocked faces and giggled.

"I'm not!" she exclaimed, "He actually confessed first."

Sora shook her head with disbelief. "It's hard to believe, honestly. I didn't know he had it in him."

Eunbi and Iseul nodded in agreement.

"So...like are you guys a thing now or what?" asked Eunbi.

Iseul sighed as she got back to peeling. "That's what I've been thinking about for the past two days. Now that the feelings have been laid out on the table, what's going to happen next?"

"Hey Iseul, where's the kimchi?" interrupted Eunbi, who had her head in the fridge.

This caused Iseul to gasp, dropping her potato back into the bowl as she slapped her forehead.

"I knew I forgot something!"

Eunbi laughed, shaking her head. "It's okay, I will pop into the supermarket real quick and buy it."

"Thanks boo."

Eunbi winked at her before taking off the apron and running to the sofa to grab her coat. She waved the other two goodbye and then left the apartment in a hurry. Few seconds later, the doorbell rang.

"What did she forget this time?" Sora thought out loud.

When Iseul opened the door, she was greeted with a sheepish looking Eunbi.

"Forgot my purse," she chuckled.

After that little commotion, Iseul resumed to preparing the ingredients whilst Sora cooked them. For the first time in a long while, Iseul had gotten up extra early in the morning and invited her two friends for a very special day. 

Her father had surprised her yesterday morning during their regular video call that he was going to be visiting for a week. He purposefully told her late because he knew she had a big game coming up. He didn't want her to worry about preparing something for him.

But of course, Iseul really did want to make him a meal, even if it wasn't going to be a feast. With her dad working as a scientist in Antarctica, he wasn't exposed to Korean food all that often; despite being part of a Korean science team. The most exposure he had was probably with instant ramen. The closest Korean restaurant to him was a little ramen shop in Chile. Kimchi was simply a rare occurrence for him and his team.

Aunt Do-yeon and her boyfriend were going to pick him up from the airport and they were all going to come over to her apartment. She had also invited Jungkook. Iseul thought it was a perfect opportunity for her dad and him to meet because God knew when her dad was going to make his next visit. 

Unsurprisingly, Jungkook was very hesitant on accepting the invitation. Interaction with humans was enough to make him sweat but suddenly meeting her dad was even worse.

"Why are we doing the 'meeting the parent' thing so soon?" he asked during their late night call.

"Well you should've confessed to me sooner, maybe then you would have more days to prepare," she joked.

"Well this is unfair," he complained, "You should start booking a train ticket to Busan so you can meet my family as well then."

"You better come to the dinner!" she warned him before hanging up.

Iseul had been bubbly all morning, even if she wasn't exactly a morning person. Just the thought of being able to meet her dad in real life and not behind her laptop screen made her extremely excited. 

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