2: Championship

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The little boy's silky hair bounced as he ran towards Jungkook. His little arms wrapped around the young guard's torso which he replied by patting his small back.

"How was kindergarten?" he asked.

"It was so much fun! I even drew robots. Do you want to see?" Jun exclaimed, his eyes widening with excitement.

Jungkook let out a chuckle at his cute actions. "Sure, let's see."

A woman with her dark hair tightly pinned into a low bun walked towards them, holding her own bag and Jun's too. He ran up to his mum and begged her to take out his drawing which he had put in his backpack. She let out a sigh and opened it, taking out a folded A4 piece of paper. He then ran back to Jungkook, proudly lifting up his painting. He took the paper from the little boy's hand who patiently waited for a response.

"Wow, Jun. This is wonderful!" He ruffled his hair, causing Jun to giggle. "You are going to be even better at drawing than me."

Ever since Jun had caught a glimpse of Jungkook drawing in his sketchbook one day, the young boy always followed him around. They shared a common interest in art and whenever Jungkook had his break, Jun would be there so they could draw or colour together. Jungkook couldn't be happier to teach Jun something he loved to do.

Art had always been his only escape. Despite never being the brightest bulb in class, that didn't irk him as much as it did to Iseul. He knew his future wasn't going to be like the other smart students. To be honest, he still didn't know where his future lied.

"Come on now, lets go home Jun," said Nari, ushering him towards the lift.

Few hours later, darkness invaded the skies. The street lights illuminated the pedestrian road, guiding Iseul to her house. Despite their gathering being to celebrate her victory, it was her who had to help everyone get in taxis due to them all being completely wasted. It was a long day and she had not an ounce of energy left inside her.

The wooden gate creaked as it opened, Iseul walked up two flights of stairs attached to the side of the house. The air was much cooler up in the rooftop. She walked to the edge and took in a deep breath, letting the early spring breeze snake across her bare skin.

After spending a few more minutes there, she walked into her house. It was dark inside, the only light came from her aunt's bedroom whose door was wide open.

"ISEUL!" Her aunt ran out of her room, arms spread open to embrace her niece. Her head perfectly nuzzled beneath Iseul's chin. "Congratulations for winning the race!"

Iseul took out her gold medal from her bag and her aunt placed it on the shelf, alongside all the other medals and trophies she had won so far. Despite winning so many, it still wasn't enough for her to support herself and her aunt financially.

Those previous races she had won were minor and local, also she lacked sponsorships. All the problems that came with having a nontraditional career forced her to take up two part-time jobs. She disliked depending on her aunt, it was one of the many reasons why she wanted to be the best athlete in the country.

Before going to bed, Iseul called her father since it was only the afternoon where he was. It was a routine for her to have a phone conversation every once or twice a week with him.

"I read so many articles about you today when I was at work," he said.

The feeling of making her father and aunt proud was something she enjoyed. It was only when she really began to gain more passion for sports did she finally felt less ashamed for not doing something else.

Throughout her school life, Iseul struggled with her academics. Her friends around her were going to tutions every day and passing their exams. They had big goals in life and places they wanted to go. Some wanted to be businessmen, doctors, computer engineers. Wheras, every time someone asked Iseul what she wanted to be, her reply would always be shrugging her shoulders.

She desperately tried to find something she was good at and enjoyed that would lead her to a good life one day. Everyones image of a good life was something that was only achievable if you did well in school.

"My next race is the big one," she said, letting out a heavy sigh.

"The one you've been going on about for the last two years?"

The Asian Athletics Campionship. The biggest athletics event in Asia. It was the race that for sure was going to verify her name and status. As much as she wanted to be the best athlete, the money she would gain mattered hugely. If she won, she would be able to leave her part-time jobs and would finally be able to repay her aunt; someone who spent way more money than she should've on her.

With the determination in mind, Iseul intensively trained for the next two weeks. When she wasn't practising her runs at the local track fields, she would be at the gym. She was strict with her fitness and diet more than before. A few years ago she had failed to qualify for the championship and she was going to do what ever possible to not fail the second time. She wasn't going to let it be like her college entrance exam which she had failed twice, eventually letting go of the idea to further her education.

However, the events of the night unfolded in a way that scarred her both physically and mentally forever.

Iseul was driving home from work in her aunt's car. It was night and the road she took was deserted.
Despite the fact that the emptiness was rather creepy, it attracted Iseul to challenge the driving regulations.

She lowered the window and let out a a happy sigh. Her foot pressed a little harder than normal, causing the car to speed through the streets. The cool breeze blew her hair, making it dance along with it.

Iseul's fun was shortlived. Loud desperate beeps made her look out of her left window. The bright lights of the truck instantly blinded her making her lose concentration on her own driving. She tried to increase the speed of her car.

But it was too late.

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