16: Finding The Logic

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Iseul knew she had made a big mistake before she could even open her eyes and properly let the morning greet her. Every detail from the night before stayed fresh in her throbbing mind that ached from having been heavily intoxicated. She remembered trying to strip in front of Jungkook as well as blurting out her innermost thoughts to him.

A frustrated groan came out of her before pulling up the duvet to cover her whole face. She began to scold herself for her shameless and embarrassing behaviour. Just when she began to value her friendship, she now feared that her drunken actions might have jeopardised the bond they were beginning to share.

Iseul wanted to avoid him and she did so by always staying alert every time she was in the lobby. She didn't see him for the next three days.

It was either she had done an amazing job at hiding herself or he too was actively trying to avoid her. Iseul thought the latter and became certain that she had officially scared him away.

"I guess it's my fault," said Eunbi, twirling the little spoon in her tea cup. "Since I was the one who ordered the alcohol."

"Yes it is very much your fault," Iseul instantly replied.

Eunbi shot her a glare before obnoxiously sticking out her tongue. That earned her a blue cushion being thrown at her head, dishevelling her newly dyed light brown hair.

"Hey, watch it! I have a hot beverage here and would prefer not to get burned by it."

Iseul stuck out her tongue in a playful manner. Across from them was Sora in Iseul's open plan kitchen who had witnessed her friends childish quarrel. She shook her head and laughed. Sora turned around to turn the knob on the stove before picking up the pot of ramen with her one hand without any difficulty.

The two girls put their bickering on hold as they cheered at the sight of the good old spicy instant noodles. Silence fell in the room, since they were all too busy eating. Eunbi was the first to finish, she put down her small bowl and laid back on the sofa. A thunderous burp escaped her lips.

"Tramp," commented Iseul.

Eunbi inched her face closer to her friend and burped again, causing her to be elbowed in the ribs.

"Have you tried calling or texting him at all?" she asked, whilst rubbing her side.

Iseul shook her head as she slurped her noodles. That caused Eunbi to sigh with disappointment. Without further hesitation, she leaned forward and grabbed her friends phone from the table.

She quickly lunged towards Eunbi to retrieve her phone back, a trail of ramen hanging loose out of her mouth. However, Eunbi quickly stood up. Iseul obviously couldn't and so she was defeated.

"You are complaining about him avoiding you, when you are doing the same thing," she began, hands on her hips, "Now tell me, dear friend, where is the logic?"

Eventually her stubborn friend managed to convince her to give him a call. Honestly, she wanted to do so a while ago but had been too afraid, all she needed was a little encouragement from Eunbi.

However, Jungkook never picked up.

"You don't need to worry," said Sora, shrugging. "There is plenty more fishes in the sea."

"Easy for you to say, when you have a boyfriend," said Eunbi.

"Might I add that he is my first boyfriend and I waited twenty-two years to be in a relationship. Whilst you two have dated plenty already."

"Guys!" Iseul frowned at them, "When did I ever say I wanted to date him? We are just friends."

"I'm actually offended at how you are lying to us, your best friends, out of all people," said Eunbi.


"You are fooling nobody, missy," added Sora, tutting.

"I don't like him in that way. I would never. He is too quiet...and...and...yeah, you know."

Her friends looked at her, both unimpressed at her reasoning. Iseul looked down at her ramen and returned her focus on how good it tasted. But that wasn't an easy task with the other two watching with judgmental expressions.

The more she thought about it, the more she wondered if her friends were right.

No, stop it! He is just a friend. A very good friend...

"The only person you are fooling is yourself," said Sora, chuckling.

"Moon Iseul has a crush! How adorable," cooed Eunbi, poking the area on Iseul's cheek where her dimple naturally formed.

The next day, as she was going through the lobby to take Jun to his school, she finally saw Jungkook. Iseul pretended to be in a rush and tried to ignore him walking towards them. Of course, Jun wasn't going to cooperate at the sight of his favourite person.

"Kookie hyung! We haven't seen you in ages."

"It was my short holiday, that's why," he replied, he averted his focus onto Iseul. "Hey, can I talk-"

"Come on, Jun. We have to hurry or else we'll be late," exclaimed Iseul, not daring to look up. She quickly swerved past him and Jun trailed after her, waving at Jungkook.

When she came back after dropping Jun to his school, she bumped into Jungkook again. This time she couldn't think quickly enough for an excuse. She tried her best not to audibly sigh as she slowly followed him to the little cafe in the lobby, dreading their conversation. When he said he wanted to talk, she was sure it was going to be about that regrettable night.

He waited until their drinks had arrived before he began to talk. He slightly tugged his tie, something he habitually done when he was nervous. He leaned back and stretched out his legs under the table to retrieve a folded paper from his trouser pocket. He unfolded it and slid it across the table to Iseul.

"I wanted to tell you that I was searching for something like that a few days ago but thought it was best if I tell you after I actually find something."

She held up the small poster to read it's content. It was about wheelchair basketball for women. She looked at the photos of women just like her, except in basketball jerseys. Behind the paper was a little map for the location of the organisation, it happened to be in the local area.

"Why were you looking for this?"

"You told me that night that you currently have no passion. And I could see how upset that made you feel-"

"So you were trying to find a passion for me?" she guessed, a smile teasing to form on her lips.

His cheeks slightly pinked. "There is actually so much out there for you to do."

She sighed and folded up the paper. "The problem is not what is available to me but the fact that sports in general just reminds me of my dead running career that will never be revived."

"It won't be easy but just give it a go or else you might stay in this bubble of fear and sadness forever. I will tag along with you if that will make you feel any less anxious, I don't know," he said looking down at his fidgeting hands.

Iseul frowned due to being lost in her thoughts. "I will have to think about it a little more."

"Yeah, that is a good idea. I'm sorry if this overwhelmed you. As a friend, I just wanted to help."

She beamed and thanked him. He couldn't help but return a shy smile. Soon after, they ended up having another conversation and it felt as if all the awkwardness from the past few days had ceased to exist. He walked with her to the lift and as they waited for the doors to open, she looked up at him.


He looked down to meet her eyes.

"Is searching for my passion what you spent doing during your holiday?"

"If I'm going to be honest, yes, pretty much."

She laughed with amusement and delight. Delighted at the fact that he was concerned enough to go this far just for something she said when she was drunk. Something she would have otherwise never told him. It made it harder for her not to like him.

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