Chapter 8- Have faith

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Ezio's POV

We had done the best we could for Cara, but 2 days have passed and she still has not woken up. We are going to give her another 3 days or so, until we give her a proper burial.

I fear for the worst.

All of my closest friends and associates have come to see her. We even had some Assassins who trained in Siberia to deliver supplies, and pay their respects.

There were two, both dressed completely in white. One was called Husky, the other called Frio. Strange names, I must say.

I could only hope that Cara woke up to meet them.

Some fellow Assassins and I were sharing a tankard of ale, while proposing future plans late one night.

"I say we pay a visit to Rodrigo. If we are direct, they will know we mean business."

"I digress, I think if we kill off some men with big names in the Templar world, they will live in fear."

We bickered on like this for what seemed like hours, until something finally broke our conversation.

A large grunt and a squeal from the room we had put Cara in.

Someone was trying to take her.



Downright murder.

I was first on my feet down the hallway, bursting through her door.

Cara's POV

I awoke in a room I vaguely recognised, but could not put my finger on.

The messages engraved on the wall, the Assassin insignia on the door, the window too filthy to see out of...
Isola Tiberina.

I could hear a vague conversation through my closed door, coming from another room. I was only able to pick bits of it out, even with my excellent hearing.

"I say...Rodrigo...Direct...Business."

"I digress...Kill...Men...Templar...Fear."

I sat up, and my hand that was propping me up instantly flew to my side. I let out a groan of pain, which was short lived as I fell from the bed to the floor.

I was only glad that nobody was in the room to witness my thoughtless actions.

A shriek escaped my mouth at the surprise of falling on the cold, stone floor.

I soon heard footsteps rapidly coming towards my room, as I sat back up on my bed, legs crossed.

Ezio, along with other Assassin friends, burst through the door with an expression on their faces as if they were ready to either cry, or go to war.

Ezio's eyes widened when he saw me, and his melancholy expression soon turned to one of joy as he, along with all the others, came to sit by me on my bed.

Ezio slung his arm lazily across my shoulder, as the others filled me in on what I had missed.


"Sì. I am sad to say that they had to leave yesterday, for you would have liked to meet them."

"I did not know we even had colonies that far away."

"Yes. But, we can only be glad that you are awake now. The doctor says that you are to stay in bed for the next few days, so that the wound may heal." Ezio informed me, his tone turning serious.

"Days? I cannot be expected to lay in bed, feeling sorry for myself, for days!"

"I am afraid so. Doctor's orders."

"Since when did I listen to what others tell me to do?" I protested. I was not going to lay in bed all day, when I would be perfectly fine.

Apparently I was a bizarre case, as I healed faster than expected, and no vital organs were damaged. I was going to experience a little discomfort, but nothing too serious.

"A fair point." Everyone agreed. I was not going to be told what to do. I would probably steer clear of missions and fights for as long as I could, but I was certainly not going to take orders from a silly man in a silly mask who thinks he knows what is best for me.

Ezio had at least insisted that I stay within the confinements of the Tiber Island walls until I am properly healed. I agreed to this, because it at least meant that I would not have to stay in bed. I could not bear that.

I was walking, gut-wrenchingly slowly, to the missions desk to see what had been going on while I had been out, when a fellow Assassin came to speak with me.

His name was Guierriero, meaning 'warrior' in Italian. Everyone called him Guier for short. He and I were very close, and he acted like a brother to me. Everyone in the brotherhood in Tiber Island was my brother, but Guier even more so.

"You know Ezio was worried sick about you?"

He asked, leaning over the table next to me. I caught him smirking from beneath his hood, and his bright green eyes glinted.

"He was?"

I acted like it was nothing, when really, it meant alot that Ezio cared about me.

"Indeed. He would go and check on you in every moment he had spare. He would not speak with anyone, and he was extremely sad. He truly thought that we had lost you for good."

I warmed at the thought of Ezio scurrying around to check on me, and I let a smile slip as I picked up a letter about some work in Germany. It never ceased to amaze me how widespread our brotherhood was.

"How sweet. Any news on the Borgias?"

I tried to change the subject, to avoid the awkwardness that would surely surround the subject of Ezio and I's relationship.

Guier's face faltered.

"No, they have gone oddly quiet. Which usually they mean to plan another attack. We suspect it will be surrounding the area of Monteriggioni."

Monteriggioni? I recognised that name from when Ezio had told me of his Uncle Mario who lived there, in the Villa Auditore. I wondered how Ezio felt about this.

"Before you ask, Ezio is devastated. He is going to stay with his Uncle Mario in about 5 days time. You should be better by then, and he has been saying that he wants you to accompany him."

Once again, turning the subject to Ezio.

"Thank you Guier, for everything." I turned to him, embracing him. It was a sort of one- sided embrace, as he was wary of hurting my side.

"It is okay. Call on me anytime, sister."

With that, he turned away.

I began walking slowly back to my room, when I overheard a conversation between two other felloe Assassins.

"Sì. I heard he is calling her his 'miricle.'"

"Indeed. However, he insists they are just friends."

"When they are together, the bond they share suggests otherwise. Now, hush, here she comes!"

I decided to stop in my tracks. I turned to look at them.

"You two truly are awful at whispering."

They stared at me, mouths agape, as I hobbled back to bed.


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