Chapter 5- Bartolomeo

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Cara's POV

The ride to the barracks was spent in comfortable silence, the quiet only broken with the sound of our horses hooves.

As we dismounted at the gates, Ezio turned to me.

"Bartolomeo doesn't really take kindly to strangers, so watch your back. He's a good man, but don't do anything to get you immediately noticed once we are on the other side of this wall." He informed me.

We begun scaling the wall, taking it brick by brick. As we landed on the other side, I rolled onto my shoulder to take some of the force.

"Aarrgghhh! Intruders!" I heard a deep voice shout. Apparently I had drawn attention to myself.

Ezio just laughed. Soon enough, a group of mercenaries were running round the corner, weapons and all. Ezio and I defended as they attacked.

"It's me! Ezio!" He told them, and his fight immediately ceased.

Mine however continued. Blocking each attack, quickly turning my body to the next attacker.

"I'm...With...Ezio!" I huffed, in between blocking.

"Is this true?!" One of the slightly larger men asked, eyebrows knitted together.

"Yes." Ezio simply said. He looked quite sweaty, but then I guess it was quite hot.

"Sorry Signora. We did not know." One man said, an apologetic look on his face. I flicked my blades back in, and took down my hood.

"It is ok. No harm done." I smiled, letting them know it was okay.

The mercinaries scattered, and I joined Ezio as we walked closer to the little building.

"That was a pretty good fight, but..." I awaited the oncoming criticism.


"How are you not out of breath? You have not even broken a sweat." I expected something more, but that was all he had to say.

"I don't know. I am not one to get tired easily." I replied. He nodded, and we walked into the office.

"Ah, Ezio! What brings you here?" A tall man with a bushy mustache strode toward us. He embraced Ezio in a man- hug, and then turned his attention to me.

"And who is this?"

"My name is Cara Marie Estrellas, my pleasure." I shook his hand and smiled. His eyes widened.

"Are you Falco's daughter?" So my Father really was famed.


"I knew he had a daughter, but I had assumed you had been killed in the raids. So, why have you come here?"

"To help you fend off the French. There is news of a huge attack, their biggest one yet. We thought you might have appreciated some assistance." Ezio answered for me. He smiled at Bartolomeo, who returned the gesture.

"I appreciate your help, friend. Do you know of when the attack will start?" Bartolomeo asked, worry in his eyes.

There was an almighty bang erupting from the city walls.


After getting our armour and weapons sorted, we jogged through the city streets toward the gates.

"Ah, yes! Another siege! MY BIANCA IS HUNGRY FOR BLOOD!" Bartolomeo hollered, his voice as loud as a foghorn. I looked at his, confusion written on my face.


He unsheathed the most beautiful, and the largest, sword I have ever seen in my entire life. It was the length of my leg, and the width of my shin. It was magnificent.


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