Chapter 20- Well, this is new

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Cara's POV

The next few days were spent in complete lockdown in Tiber Island. Only Ezio and I were aloud out, because we were the only ones who knew what was going on.

As far as Ezio and I go, we haven't really been talking to each other much. We've exchanged afew words here and there, and only engaged in conversation when it was necessary. I always caught him looking at me from across the room, and it was quite unnerving.

One day, I was sitting with Guier by the desk, filling him in on what happened and having a general catch up.

"You know, Ezio went crazy looking for you."


"Sì. He wouldn't talk, but whenever he did, it was about you."

I suddenly felt warm and fuzzy, and I didn't like it one bit.

"Well, he didn't do a very good job at finding me."

Guier just rolled his eyes.

"Oh, come on, Cara. It's so obvious you two like each other."

I frowned furiously.

"I do not!"

All of a sudden, I heard the hooting of a pidgeon upstairs, in the coops.

"Pidgeon just landed."

"You know, this whole 'amazing senses' thing is beyond wierd."

I smirked, and climbed up on the rooftop. It was beginning to get dark out, and the city looked beautiful. All of the nightlife was emerging, and the taverns were bustling with drunkards and courtesans. Music was playing loudly from somewhere in the distance, and I smiled.

I was proud to be a part of such an amazing city.

My train of thought was interrupted, when a hand clasped over my mouth, and everything went black.

Ezio's POV

I must admit, I had missed Cara an awful lot. I know what I did was bad, and I brought it upon myself, but I missed her nonetheless.

She was in the next room along with Guier, and I was just sitting with a tankard of some sort of drink, tracing my finger around the rim.

I heard someone get up on the roof, by the pidgeon coops. There was a sudden slam, as if a body had hit the floor.

Guier rushed in seconds later.

"Ezio, it's Cara. She's been taken."

That was all I needed to know, before I shot out of the door.

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