Ch 1 - Homeless Hooker

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Tilli xo


Chapter One - Homeless Hooker

I shook out my long dark red hair loosening the curls from the uncomfortable and complicated knot that Ruby insisted that she just had to do, according to her I didn't want to arrive in the states looking like a homeless hooker.

What does a homeless hooker look like? I have no idea I was a bit scared of the answer so I didn't bother asking.

Oh well, sorry Rubes.

I sighed in relief and ran my fingers through my unruly hair detangling it as best as I could, it didn't work as well as a brush obviously but it'd have to do for now. I stared down at all of the travel bags at my feet; the thought of hunting through them just for a hair brush was not appealing to me right now.

So that's how I proceeded to the checking in desk at Heathrow airport, rocking the homeless hooker look with crazy curly hair, struggling with the multiple luggage and feeling like I was going to vomit from nerves.

Don't get me wrong I want this but that doesn't make it any less scary moving to a completely different country where I won't know anyone and to top it all off I've never flown by myself before only adding to the nerves that made me feel like I was gonna hurl at any given second.

"Hello." my voice cracked showing how nervous I was, I cleared my throat and tried again feeling embarrassed.

"Hi there." I awkwardly said to the check in lady that probably had half of the boots makeup counter slapped on her face, seriously I could proabably scrape it off with a spoon. She looked up and her eyes narrowed slightly, they only narrowed slightly as her face was so frozen from Botox.

Thanks lady, but you don't look so great yourself.

"I was wondering if you could help me?" I don't really know what I'm supposed to give you." I slid my passport and ticket towards her not knowing which one she needed.

She recovered quickly from her initial shock of my appearance and grabbed the things up off the counter and checked them over "Okay I see that your headed to Atlanta, Georgia." she said with a bored voice.

"You're a little young to be travelling all the way to the USA by yourself, aren't you?" she raised an eyebrow suspiciously, I frowned down at her, I'm not that young; I'm nineteen. Not that it has anything to do with her, nosy bitch.

"Um, no not really." I answered.

"Well part of the problem these days is that they're letting kids go on like they know what they're doing, like they knows what's best, so disrespectful and no consideration for others whatsoever." she sneered.

I raised an eyebrow "I'm sorry, I don't think that I really know what you're talking about and I just want to get on my flight so do you think you could process me through please." I asked politely ignoring her jab.

"That's what I'm talking about, always in a rush. The younger generation don't know what's going on infront of them because they're always in a rush, always wanting things quicker that's what's wrong with this country, I tell you." she ranted in her nasally voice not making any move to process me through.

I sighed through my nose and rolled my eyes "Look lady, I'm in a rush because I have a flight to catch, I would've thought that you'd know that they're pretty big on punctuality considering you work here and what not. Now could you please just process me through." I said my voice raising slightly at the end of my speech.

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