Ch 18 - Why Must He Always Embarrass Me?

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Chapter 18 - Why Must He Always Embarrass Me?

The first time I landed in Atlanta I was nervous and excited from being in a new country, the second time around was very different. 

Once we boarded the plane in England, Ruby went from being grumpy and tired to being hyper and excited. She wanted to play plane games, drink cocktails, talk about everything that was American and most importantly; she did not want to sleep, which meant she didn't want me to sleep. 

The second time of experiencing landing in Atlanta was very different because I was in a very foul mood. When I got off the plane I sped ahead and left Ruby to her own devices, I found my suitcase in record time, I fully admit that I may have been less than nice to some people about getting my luggage.

Not my problem they were in the way and met me on not one of my good days.

Upon finding my suitcase I fled through the Nothing to Declare aisle like nobody's business, when I found Keeley waiting for me I almost cried tears of relief and joy. 

"Thank God you're here, I'm ready to kill her." I rushed out and grabbed Keeley for a hug.

"Hi, I missed you too. Where's your friend?" Keeley patted my back and looked at me with concern. 

I guess I looked just as bad as I felt. 

"I don't know, last I seen she was flirting with a TSA guard." I sighed and released my hair from its messy bun, a lovely headache was building nicely behind my forehead from my hair being pulled too tight.

"Huh, okay. Well we can just wait here for her then." Keeley beamed and got her phone out, her fingers were flying as she tapped out a message. 

"Who you texting?" 

"I'm just telling the guys to come in since we're waiting for Ruby." Keeley answered. 

"What, who else is here?" I asked quickly, I felt the colour from my face drain and my stomach erupted with squirming worms, I didn't need Keeley to tell me who was here, I could make a pretty good guess of who she was talking about.

Sure enough a moment later in strolled dweedle dee and dweedle dum, wreaking havoc as they went.

"Hey baby, you miss me?" Rhys called out loudly from near the door's where he and Harley had just walked through.

Within seconds of entering the whole airport was watching them, Rhys was shouting and making kissing faces at me while Harley was trying to steal someone's mobile suitcase cart thing. They hadn't even been inside the airport two minutes and were already causing chaos. 

Cursing under my breath I glared at Rhys as he weaved his way through the people that kept looking at me curiously, must he embarrass me all the of the time?

Keeley looked equally embarrassed of her boyfriend and her cousin, she went darting off towards Harley grumbling under her breath about stupid boys. I could definitely agree with her on that one, boys are very stupid. 

Seeing Rhys again had raised my anxiety levels considerably, especially since the last time we seen each other was when we were in the club. And we all know how that night ended. 

I thought I'd have more time before I was thrown into the awkward situation of talking to him, but I decided to take Ruby's advice and to act like nothing happened.

"Don't call me baby." I hissed at him when they reached us, "And stop embarrassing me." I added as an afterthought. 

Good job Violet, that sounded very natural. I avoided looking at Rhys, it felt like if I looked at him then I'd remember everything and my scarlet face would give us both away. 

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