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Hey so apoligies if you were expecting an update but this message is really important to me and I feel like I have to get this out. I know some people wont read on but please do, it would really mean a lot to me.

Recently I realised that The Accent includes A LOT of drinking, and by this I mean alcohol. 

In the Accent, alcohol plays a big role in the story simply because that is what young people do and what college/uni life is all about. 

Last week one of my good friends was admitted into intensive care, she had liver failure due to alcohol, basically from having that she contracted pneumonia. So yeah it wasn't looking good for my friend, and all I kept thinking was WTF.

She's 23, this isn't supposed to happen to young people. Were supposed to be able to binge and drink as much as we want because were young and we'll bounce back, yeah we might have one hell of a hangover but we'll be fine the day after.

Maybe I was being naive or whatever but I had no idea that this could happen to younger people or that it could be so serious so quick. When I think of alcoholics with liver failure I think of old men/women with beer bellys and red bulbous nose's. Not a 23 year old girl who has her whole life ahead of her.

There is a point for my rambling ... all I'm saying is (especially to younger readers) if your going to drink alcohol, do it responsibly. Don't binge and get completely off your face, as fun as you may find it, alcohol is still a dangerous, toxic substance that could have serious consequences.

I was thinking about Steph today (that's my friend) and all I thought was 'shit I have a tonne of alcohol scenes in my story, I really hope it won't encourage or influence people to start drinking themselves' maybe I was being stupid and my concern was misplaced but I felt sick to my stomach about it, hence this long message.

Steph passed away Monday 6th of October 2014, at 12:00.

She was only 23, alcohol is dangerous even to young people who aren't dependant on it. So yeah just be aware and drink in moderation. 

Updates should be next week or the week after, I've been kind of busy lately. I'll take this message down when I update the next chapter, thanks for reading if you got this far. 

Tilli xo

P.S... sorry if the message put you on a total downer but I felt like it was important to put it out there. 

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