Ch 11 - You're Not Some Dumb Bitch

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Chapter 11 - You're Not Some Dumb Bitch

The rest of the week and the weekend flew over, way too fast for my liking.

So before I knew it, Monday morning crept up on me.

According to the class schedule, that the university had sent me weeks ago, today was my first official day, my first class started at 9am. I hadn't slept for half the night from worry, leaving me with dark bags underneath my eyes.

It was inevitable that I was nervous, I felt overwhelmed and suffocated, the panic and the nerves were choking the air out of me like a python crushes it's prey.

When 6am rolled around I decided that I might as well admit defeat and get up. Which is how I have no clue as to how I was late.

Yes, my class started at nine, I was awake from six, and I was still late.

Let me explain how ...

Because of all the lovely feelings that I had inside of me -note the sarcasm-, the first thing I did when I got up was make a cup of tea, it was supposed to calm me. It didn't.

After having my non-calming tea, I paced, a lot. I must've been in the middle of my tenth pace, when the ringing of my phone brought me out of my thoughts of public humilation and getting lost.

I whipped my head around to the vibrating phone when it started ringing obnoxiously, who on earth would be phoning at this time? It was quarter past six in the morning!

Dashing over to the breakfast bar, nearly falling over Keeley's rollerblades in the process, why a nineteen year old girl had rollerblades was a mystery to me. When I reached my phone, I grabbed it up and answered with a breathless hello.

"Bitch, you need to calm down."

"Ruby?" I answered confused, raising an eyebrow, well I tried to anyways. I hate people that can actually do that.

"Vi, seriously calm down. I can practically hear you pacing all the way over here in London." She answered casually.

Gaping I looked around the apartment with wide eyes, the last time this happened I had a bodyguard. Jesus, don't say she'd had cameras installed!

"How could you possibly know that I was up at this time, and that I was pacing?" I gasped.

"Really?" Ruby asked with a tone that said 'isn't it obvious?'.

"Yes, really Ruby. This is fricking creepy!"

"Babe, you are my soul sister, I know you way too well." Ruby replied, I could imagine her rolling her eyes. "Plus, you've done the same thing every year for the first day of school since we were five." Ruby added in a bored tone.

"I have?" I asked doubtfully.

"Yeah," she laughed. "See I know you better than you know yourself, are you calm now?"

Surprisingly, I was. Apart from the initial panic of thinking I had cameras inside of my house, then realising I didn't and that Ruby was just crazy; Talking to my best friend -even for just two minutes-had calmed my nerves about my first day by a considerable amount.

"I'm still shitting myself though." I whispered chewing the side of my thumb nail worriedly.

"Why? You'll be amazing." she stated nonchalantly, I could just picture her shrugging a shoulder dismissing my worries.

"Ruby, come on. We both know it's a completely different ball game over here." I pointed out, being the realistic one.

"Violet, don't give me that. You're not some dumb bitch, you know your shit, you've been doing it since you could walk. You show them that." She said sternly.

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