Ch 16 - Tanked Up Mary Poppins

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Chapter 16 - Tanked Up Mary Poppins

The whole plane ride was spent with my head bumping softly against the tray of the seat in front of me, while muttering curses and groaning to myself.

The woman sitting in the chair that I repeatedly bashed my head against wasn't too concerned though, she gave me an icy look and turned back to face the front. I think she had decided that I was too unstable to ask to pack it the fuck in.

I didn't care.

All I could think about was what I had done and that even though I'd kind of broken up with James, I still felt this huge ball of guilt churning at the bottom of my stomach.

If it wasn't 7am I definitely would've been asking for a stiff drink, but people usually tended to frown upon that.

I just needed to remain calm till I landed in England, I would tell Ruby and she would help me through this. I nodded in agreement with the direction my thoughts had took and took a big swig of my orange juice wishing it had a large dash of vodka in.

If there was anyone that could help it would be the girl that had sel-prefessed herself as the Queen of Casual Sex.

When I ran from the club with tears trailing down my face I knew that I had screwed things up royally, I went home grabbed my suitcase, passport and hand luggage up, and fled straight to the airport even though I was hours earlier than what I should have been.

Waiting around the airport until I was allowed to check in was terrible, it was busy even at 2am with happy people going away on their holidays. I was probably spoiling their good mood by not being able to get my tear ducts under control, but it was just another thing I didn't care about.

Coming straight to the airport after 'the incident' seemed like a good idea at the time, if Rhys wanted to chase after me I wouldn't be there, not that he would chase after me in the first place. But once I'd gotten there and had nothing to do but sit and wait, I gradually began to realise what a stupid idea it had been, sitting waiting for hours only led me to think about what I'd done an hour earlier.

Even hours later, once I'd made it through security and was sitting on the plane, I still couldn't get it out of my head, hence the head banging against the fold up tray and the longing of mind numbing alcohol.

The last hour of the plane journey went painfully slow, the minute we'd landed I was pushing my way to the front of the line like a crazed woman going to a 80% off sale.

Getting a taxi was pretty easy from the long que of them at the taxi rank, so within half an hour of leaving the airport I was sneaking up Liam's back stairs like I told Ruby to do a few weeks ago.

Because of the time difference it was night-time in England, making my ninja mission of sneaking into Liam's room ten times easier. With a quick glance at the bed from my perch at his window, my suspicions were confirmed, Liam was out just like any 22 year old should be on a weekend.

Finally getting home was bitter sweet, on the one hand it was a relief to be around things that were familiar but on the other hand one of those things was my mother.

Leaving my small suitcase in Liam's bedroom I made my way to my own bedroom with sudden desperation. Ruby was lounging on the bed painting her nails with music playing in the background, I rushed towards her and flopped down onto the bed face first.

"If you had made me ruin my nails, I would've had to kill you." She said casually, "Fortunately for you, I saved them."

I sighed into my crossed arms that I was leaning on, "I'm an idiot." I groaned.

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