Ch 5 - Killer Right Hook

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Chapter 5 - Killer Right Hook

I'm dying.

Nobody should feel like this and not be dying. My mouth felt like it was packed with cotton, there was a dull throbbing that started behind my eyes and radiated to the back of my head and my stomach was churning in a really disgusting way.

I'm never drinking tequila again. Then again that's normally the first thing I say after a tequila fuelled night and I never seem to be able to keep that promise to myself.

I cracked my eyes open and groaned as the sun that was shining through my room hit my eyes causing a sharp spike of pain through my head, I sat up slowly and waited for the nausea to pass and for the room to stop spinning.

How on earth had I even gotten home? Surely Keeley couldn't carry me, I put my head in my hands and looked down to see that I was wearing the pjamas I was wearing temporarily last night, that's weird. I don't remember putting them on myself, I felt my face heat up, god I hoped it was Keeley or Laurie that helped me and not one of the boys.

How much did I even drink? The last thing I remember was saying stupid quotes for someone, I don't remember who or why I even did that. I'm sure it'll come back to me though.

I groaned out loud, I don't even want to think about what happened last night, I decided to forget about my temporary memory loss and do something more productive, like checking my phone. It's always the first thing I do, it's just natural, like how a dog barks; I check my phone every morning. I squinted down at the brightly lit piece of glass and instantly wished that I'd avoided my little tradition this morning.

There were twenty, -yes you read right- twenty missed calls, all from James.

I blew out a breath, no way am I in the right frame of mind to deal with him this morning, I placed my phone back on the night stand and focused my attention on something way more important ... like caffeinating my poor dehydrated body.

I walked through into the sitting room well when I say walked I mean swayed, I was very unsteady on my feet; maybe I'm still a bit drunk?

I went over to the coffee pot to see that Keeley must have already turned it on, I got a cup out, poured some of the liquid into it and took a large gulp; I already felt a tiny bit better. I'd have preferred tea but the coffee was already done and I don't even think we had tea bags.

I turned around to go and collapse on the sofa, only to see that there were two people already sitting there watching my every move, had I walked straight past them without even realising they were there? They were sitting on the large chocolate leather couch, I sank down into one of the identicle loveseats that was placed on either side of the large couch. A stylish oak coffee table stood in the front of all three and a flat screen TV stood on a glass stand opposite the couch. The place was modern and you could tell that everything was brand new.

"Oh hey guys ... Harley right? Sorry, I'm not great with names." I croaked, he was wearing only his boxers and a grinning Keeley draped over him. He had dark hair that flicked into his bright green eyes, and had a well defined six pack but was more on the slim side, he was attractive but not really my type. He nodded in acknowledgement.

"Hey, it's good to see that your in the land of the living." Keeley beamed brightly, she is way too cheery for her own good. The volume of her voice sending sharp daggers through my head.

"Please, stop screaming." I whispered as I rested my throbbing head on the back of the sofa.

"Oh honey, you really shouldn't have gotten that extra bottle of tequila last night." Keeley said quietly obviously lowering her voice while looking at me with sympathy.

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