Ch 2 - I, uh ... I Thought You Were Someone Else

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Chapter 2 - I, uh ... I Thought You Were Someone Else

The roughly nine hour flight flew by with a blur of first class, champagne and candy crush. It felt amazing to just be off the grid, no phone calls pestering me, no texts to reply to, just me myself and I. Thankyou very much to all airline guidelines prohibiting mobile phones on an aircraft. 

Though it was pretty peaceful with no Dragon watching my every move or boyfriend smothering me I couldn't help but feel kind of lonely. Here I was sitting in first class with no distractions, in a roomy seat and air hostesses at my beck and call, and I had the cheek to be depressed? 

I sighed and looked around the spacious, luxurious cabin, some people don't even get to ride on an airplane and I was depressed because I was in first class? I should be bloody grateful. 

Some of the snobs in the row opposite me were giving me the stink eye, probably because I was still rocking my infamous homeless hooker look, either that or it was because I was alone. Probably the former. 

Ignoring their pitying and slightly disgusted looks I thought about what Ruby would do if she was in my postion, she'd probably tell them to 'mind their own fucking business' and to go 'fuck a Corgi'.

I snickered to myself as I imagined the faces of the snooty people after being told to go fuck a Corgi, I've actually heard her mutter that about my mother.

And if she was actually here with me? Well she'd probably make my hair worse and tell me to 'own it' while making hers just as bad, that was my best friend all over. Her philosphy was 'if they're gonna stare, give them something to look at'. 

Realising that they were all openly staring at me now, I coughed to hide my laughter, I think it worked ... kind of. I covered my mouth with my hand to hide the grin that wouldn't leave my face, this was such a Ruby thing to do, to cheer me up without knowing or even being here with me.  


The plane had just touched down in Atlanta, Georgia. I couldn't believe I was actually here, a few months ago when I'd received the acceptance letter from my university saying that I could finish my last two years of my degree abroad I didn't think it was real and that it would actually happen. All I needed was to pick a country and city from the attached list and I was set to go.

Now here I was in Georgia in the big US of A. I had to stop myself from doing a dance that surely would have earned me some funny looks from the other passengers. I stepped off the plane and nearly melted from the heat, it was the end of August so summer was still in full swing and boy was it having an effect on my pale, creamy skin. I was going to fry in heat like this, my skin was used to only slightly warm days at best and pouring rain at worst.

I turned up my iPod and went to find my multiple bags of luggage.

Reaching for my sixth and final bag I went to swing it on to my trolley with the rest of them, I nearly fell over with the force that stopped my bag from reaching it's destination. 

I looked up in confusion to see a small oldish looking lady glaring at me sternly, confused and bewildered as to why this decievingly strong old lady had a death grip on my luggage, I gave the handle a pull, hinting for her to let go.

She opened her mouth, making sounds come out of it, I had no idea what she was saying but it definitely didn't sound like any kind of english that I knew. 

I understood a word here and there which led me to believe that she was infact speaking English, I just apparantly had no idea what it was. I stared in shock, I had no response. 

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