Ch 10 - Tanned, Toned and Tattooed

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Chapter 10 - Tanned, Toned and Tattooed

Technically, I wasn't actually allowed -by law- to be driving Rhys' car, in America, coming from a different country meant that I had to be twenty five to legally drive a car. This made no sense to me at all, considering they allowed fifteen year old children to start learning to drive in their own country, but whatever, that's another issue.

So there was no way I was about to let a minor technicality stop me from driving my dream car. In those moments of excitement I didn't think very much, I wasn't thinking about getting caught by the police, or losing my visa, I didn't think about having to drive on the opposite side of the road or that the controls would be the complete opposite to what I was used to.

I should have thought about all of the above, but I didn't. When I drive, I like to drive fast, the ten minute car ride back to my apartment was cut down to five, it was the most thrilling and terrifying five minutes of my life, no joke.

Quinn screamed the whole way, I found this hilarious and very ironic. He looked absolutely terrified, with his glasses hanging off his nose, grabbing onto the door for dear life, shouting as I sped around a corner; he looked at me like I was an escaped mental patient as I cackled at his fear. Maybe he had good cause to give me that look, now that I think about it.

It was ironic because the Quinn that had been with me all day had disappeared, in ten minutes he had really opened up, shouting profanities at me, screaming at me to slow down and crying to a deity -that he didn't believe in- that he would 'start going to church and believing if He let him live'.

Pfft, dramatic or what?

Rhys was being equally hilarious, I couldn't see him but there was a lot of groaning and thumping as I went around the corners.

Braking hard when I reached my apartment three things happened.

1. Everyone, including myself lurched forward. Meaning Quinn and I slammed back against the seat and Rhys landed on the floor of the back of the car.

2. Quinn threw himself out of the car as fast as he could and fell to the ground, kissing it.

3. Rhys vomited in the back of the car.

"Shit, I can't believe you were sick inside this beauty." I groaned to Rhys, not expecting any kind of response. Rhys would be furious to find out he'd been sick inside of his baby.

It was an exciting experience for all of us. However, the smell of vomit was overwhelming in the small space of the car, after a few seconds of breathing hard and getting myself together, I hurriedly unbuckled myself and scrambled out of the car.

I had no idea what the plan was now, I suppose I better give the keys to Quinn to drive Rhys home.

"Hey Quinn, if you're done being way too dramatic here's the keys for the car. I'm going to bed because it's now nearly midnight and I've had a long day. " I yawned tiredly, covering my mouth halfway through.

Quinn lifted his face from the ground only enough to look at me, "Are you crazy? I can't get him home on my own and I am not driving that car with puke in." He demanded, pointing his finger down into the ground for emphasis when he said not. I was alittle taken aback, Quinn had been quiet and shy all day, apparantly all it took to bring him out of his shell was near death and suggesting he drive a puke filled car.

The whole situation was hilarious, he was still sprawled out over the floor, lying in the grass that was damp with dew.

"Okay Quinn, what do you suggest you do then?" I asked cocking a hip and placing my hand on it.

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