Ch 17 - He Was Crafty Like That

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Chapter 17 - He Was Crafty Like That

I once watched an episode of 2 Broke Girls that really got stuck in my head.

So in this episode, Max had broken up with her boyfriend and wanted a breakup showdown, I never really got it at the time. Why would you want to waste your time and breath screaming at a person who wasn't worth it? 

But now, I totally got it. 

It was that episode of 2 Broke Girls that entered my mind when I went downstairs for my morning fix of tea to see James sitting at my kitchen table, laughing and chatting with my mother over their own cup of tea. 

I wanted what Max had wanted, I wanted to scream at him and have a full on breakup. I deserved it after all the shit he'd put me through, I wanted a breakup showdown and I was going to get it. 

"Well isn't this cosy?" I said to them both as I walked towards the kettle, the sarcasm dripped from my voice like venom.

Their conversation stopped, I kind of felt like a major bitch as I poured the hot water into my cup. 

My mother cleared her throat, successfully making the awkward silence even more awkward. "Violet, James just popped round to see you and sort things out, wasn't that nice of him?" Her tone was sickly sweet and high pitched with an underlying hint of malice.

I rolled my eyes and kept my back to the pair, "Yes, how lovely of James to come over, uninvited. When I have clearly pointed out that I would no longer like to see him." I replied and took a sip of my tea. 

If I thought my mother made things awkward with her throat clearing I had just made it ten times worse. 

Thankfully, it was at that point that Ruby breezed through the door.

"Shiiit, this seem's tense." Ruby glanced from me to my mother to James and then back at me from where she skidded to a stop at the door, I raised a shoulder in acknowledgement. 

"Okay, I'll just get my coffee and be on my way." Ruby said cheerily, she came and stood beside me at the counter to get her cup of coffee.

'What the f*ck?' She mouthed at me with wide eyes. 

I pulled a face and shrugged my shoulder in answer, Ruby took a large sip of her coffee and turned back towards my mother and James, something I still hadn't done myself. 

Ruby nipped my arm and pulled my elbow to make me face them. I'd changed my mind, she was no longer allowed to come to America with me now, regardless of her answer. 

The four of us stood in silence, James was glaring at me as was my mother, I pretended to not notice and Ruby was smiling from ear to ear. If the atmosphere wasn't so terrible I'd probably laugh at the face she was pulling, she managed to look like she was constipated but was sort of enjoying it.

It was a really weird look.   

We couldn't stand like this forever, it was ridiculous.

It was time for my showdown.

I allowed myself a moment of peace to enjoy my tea before I gave Ruby the signal. She understood the minute I gave her it and began to usher my mother out of the kitchen, Mother protested and refused but you could only say no to Ruby for so long. 

Once they were gone there was only James and I left in the kitchen, he was silently fuming at me while I still went on pretending and ignoring his furious looks. 

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