Chapter Eight

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Chapter 8 - The Fall

"Alright, everybody. Today, we are going to belay off of the high wall. You will climb up the robe, attach the carabiner to your harness, and free fall to the ground. Yes, it seems scary, but it will all be worth it in the end. Why?"

"Because it's fun," the class replied, and I stared at them all wide-eyed. I didn't know classes had chants.

"Because it's fun," Mrs. Helfrich pepped, and she clapped her hands. "All belayers will have an anchor to make sure you don't go flying like a cartoon character in case you fall, because all of you lightweight kids will. Use the vent at the top as a little table to set yourself up, and make sure you let your belayer know when you're ready.

"George's group will climb the first rope; Venus's group will use the second. The rest of you will either rock climb or help me organize the room of all of its crap lying around. Halfway through, we'll switch. Disperse," she called before blowing her whistle.

Standing too close to Mrs. Helfrich, I flinched when she blew the whistle, and Venus giggled. I glared at her, still smiling, and she laughed harder.

"Stop flirting, you two," Lindsey teased, and Venus and I both looked away from each other and at her.

I held back my blush and refused to look at Venus. I did not want to know what she was thinking. She was my friend, so I wasn't supposed to have any sort of romantic feelings for her. I wasn't supposed to be elated or devastated based on her reaction, so I refused to check.

"Who should go first?" Venus questioned.

I raised my hand, and everyone but Lindsey shared the same worrisome look.

"Are you sure you don't want to watch to get the feel of how it works here first?"

No better way than to dive right in, I signed, and Lindsey translated.

Venus shrugged and nodded. "Fair point. Just be careful."

"Don't worry. She scolded me about taking each other's safety seriously," Lindsey said.

"Each other's?"

"She's going to help me belay since she knows how."

Venus nodded and walked over to some of the other kids in our group.

As I strapped myself into the harness, I asked Lindsey, Is something going on between you and Venus?

No. Why?

She seemed weird about us working together.

I think she was hoping to be paired up with you.

I blushed as I smiled.

Ooh, you like that idea, huh?

Not like that, I reprimanded, despite it absolutely being like that. She's just the first friend I made, so it's nice to know she actually likes me and isn't feeling sorry for me.

No one here feels sorry for you. You're an equal like all of us. If anyone gives you shit for being mute, Venus and I and my brother will all get together and kick their asses for you.

I blushed as I smiled giddily. For the first time, I had people who were willing to stick up for me and be on my side. Not just one person, but three (provided Lindsey's brother wound up actually liking me). It was relieving.

After Lindsey and I were strapped together and ready to begin, I began to climb the rope ladder. It was difficult to climb up without anyone on the bottom to hold it in place, but I enjoyed the challenge. However, I felt it settle into place and glanced down to spot Venus holding the ladder in place for me.

Slipping my foot through an opening, I let go of the ladder and flopped upside down in front of Venus's face. She and Lindsey screamed, and Venus jumped back without letting go of the rope. "Don't fucking do that!"

Sorry, I sheepishly signed.

Venus closed her eyes and exhaled before smiling back at me. "I don't want you to hurt yourself, so warn me next time you do that."

Sure. Let go.

"You don't want me to hold it?"

I shook my head.

"It is more challenging when no one holds it," Lindsey added.

Venus let go of the rope, and I pulled myself back up and continued to climb to the top, breaking into a sweat. If I was supposed to work out in gym, I intended to actually get in my time.

Once I was on the ledge, I unhooked the carabiner from my harness, latched it into my rope, and turned to face Lindsey. I need a lot of slack.

Lindsey told the guy who was holding onto the rope at the bottom what I requested, and she called out, "Ready when you are!"

I pushed myself off of the ledge and began to free fall. I made it almost all the way to the ground before I stopped myself to make sure I didn't actually fall and hit the ground. I slowly lowered myself the rest of the way and landed on my feet.

"Wow," Venus gawked as she stepped closer to me. "You were amazing! You just knew how to do all that?"

My dad and I used to rock climb all the time before I entered high school. We should really get back into it again, I explained, and Lindsey translated for me.

"Hot damn," Venus said in awe. "Now I want to go."

"You sure?" Lindsey asked.

"I'm inspired," she shrugged.

I took off the harness and handed it to Venus, who quickly pulled it on. She shakily climbed the ladder, and I held onto the bottom for her so she could steadily make it to the top. "Thank you," she called down to me.

When she made it to the top, her movements became a lot more frigid. It was obvious that she was terrified being up there.

"Yeah, Venus likes this stuff, but belaying scares the shit out of her. She's always said that when she dies, she wants to be in control, but it's not like she easily can up there," Lindsey explained.

I've got her, I assured, refusing to look away from Venus.

Venus leaned forward, taking deep breaths. Lindsey yelled, "Come on, Vee! Cameron's cheering you on!" Venus looked down at me, and I held up my thumbs as I smiled at her.

As Venus went to reciprocate, her grip on the rafter loosened. Before she could grab the rope to belay, she began to fall. With too much slack in the rope, the belayer couldn't help her break. Venus screamed in terror, and everyone in class stopped to watch.

I remained unfrozen in time, and I ran under Venus. Holding out my arms, I caught her, but we were both knocked to the ground. Securely wrapping my arms around her, I held her tight as she trembled in my arms. She held on even tighter, and I refused to let go.

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