Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter 26 - Overheard

Venus was true to her word, and she convinced Jack's mom, the head of the school board, to prevent her son from entering school grounds. I was relieved I wouldn't have to see him anymore, but that didn't change the fact that I was terrified to go home and potentially see him. And if he was going to be true to his word and make me stay away from Venus, then I had to watch my back at all times.

Venus, however, was always by my side when she could. When she picked me up for school in the morning, she greeted me at my front door and walked me back to my door at the end of my day. She had me wait for her at the end of all my morning classes so she could walk me to all of mine. She was obviously just as paranoid, but she didn't show it. She continued to smile like she was just happy to be with me. As sweet as it was, I couldn't help but still be worried.

During lunch, Venus left me alone with Lindsey to use the bathroom. That was when Lindsey was finally able to berede me with questions.

What the hell is going on between you two?

Jack threatened me, and Venus is worried about leaving me alone.

God, that's just terrible, she frowned. Are you okay?

I'm fine. Just a little paranoid.

Lucas and I have your back, too, okay? We're all here for you.

Thank you. That means a lot, I quickly signed as Venus hurried back to our table. She really hated to leave me alone.


Instead of heading home after school, Lindsey drove me to her house so I could hang out with Lucas. We rarely ever talked in person, mainly be text. I missed signing with him, and he missed spending time with me as well. Since Venus was busy with her dad and stepmom, it was the perfect night to see Lucas and be able to talk about Venus without worrying about her popping up.

And she still won't break up with him? he incredulously asked.

She's kind of forced to be with him. Her dad and his want them to be together, because they're business partners or something. So if she ever did break up with him, things would become ever worse with her dad.

That's such bullshit, he huffed. She shouldn't be forced to be with someone. She should pick that person for herself.

I completely agree.

Do you wish it was you?

Is that even a question? I teased. I'd love to be with Venus if I could, but it's not possible. She had the opportunity to tell me when I slept over, but she never did. It sucks, though, because she kept saying things that suggested she would be interested in me, but she never openly admitted to it. She's just acting like she does with Lindsey.

Lucas gawked. Yeah, right. She doesn't treat Lindsey the way she treats you. You are so much more special to her. She may not have felt that it was the right moment to confess to you, but I know her enough to know that she loves you. And not like you think she loves you, but is actually in love with you.

I don't want to believe it until she actually tells me. I don't want to get hurt.

You're hurting yourself right now by arguing with yourself over your feelings for her.

Yes, but it's still my choice to hurt myself right now, I stated. It won't be mine if I give into hope and let her break my heart. Knowing the truth and still accepting it is my own choice, and I choose to enjoy what I can while I still can before I officially lose it for good.

You're insane, he deadpanned.

That's still my choice.

When the doorbell rang, Lindsey called out that she would get it as she ran downstairs. Loud sobs floated through the house, and Lindsey gasped. "Venus, what happened?"

"Jack and I broke up," she whimpered, and I signed it to Lucas.

"I thought you didn't like him?"

"I don't, but now my dad hates me," she cried. "He's pissed that I let Jack leave me, and I'm terrified he's going to kick me out. Lindsey, I don't know what to do."

Oh, my gosh, Lucas exclaimed, and I nodded in agreement.

"You're welcome to stay here with us for as long as you'd like," Lindsey offered.

"I can't leave until he kicks me out. If I leave, it looks bad on him, and he will personally drag me back home just so he can make my life miserable," she sobbed. "I don't know what to do. He's going to make my life hell until he does kick me out, and I don't know when it's going to happen, but when it does, it's going to be so quick I'll probably get whiplash."

"Well, why don't you keep your artwork and supplies at Cameron's house and some of your other stuff, so if he does kick you out, you'll still have your stuff," Lindsey suggested.

"No way. I do not want Cameron or her dad getting in the middle of this," Venus stated. "I do not want to risk anything happening to them."

"But it's fine with us?" Lindsey teased.

"Cameron is my neighbor. It's different. More risky."

"And we'd hate to get her in the middle of all this, right?" Lindsey coyly asked.

"No shit."

"Because you like her, right?"

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