Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter 13 - Standing Up

As we walked back to the cafeteria, Venus held my hand and dragged me with her. She grabbed her lunch tray and backpack and switch to Lindsey and mine's table. Lindsey smiled as she sat down, and as Brad scoffed loudly, we all glanced back at him.

"You'd seriously rather sit with a mute freak?"

Every muscle in my body tensed and my mind grew blank. I knew exactly what came next. I should have known it was too good. A month with minimal incidents was a blessing, but it was time for the natural order to take its place.

Venus jumped up from her seat, stalked up to Brad, grabbed his collar, and pulled him in close. Everyone in the cafeteria began to look up and pull out their phones, ready for a Jerry Springer styled fight to break out.

"If you ever call her a freak again," Venus snarled, "I will personally strangle you. This is not a threat, it's a promise. I promise to make you regret ever calling her a freak again. Do you understand me?"

"You are such a bitch," Brad snickered as he shoved her hand away, but she used her other hand to slap his cheek.

"Thanks," she smirked before sitting back down next to us.

Brad rubbed his cheek, staring at us incredulously before storming out of the cafeteria.

Everyone at the lunch table remained seated where they were, acting like what happened didn't actually occur. Nico, however, grabbed his lunch tray and bag and moved over to our table. "Mind if I join you instead?"

Of course, I smiled.

"She said yes," Venus and Lindsey replied. They both glanced at each other and laughed.

"Damn, maybe you don't need me anymore," Lindsey teased.

I playfully swatted the air. You're still one of my best friends.

Venus leaned in and whispered, "I hope I'm your first."

I made a face, glancing back between her and Lindsey, silently telling her not to say it in front of Lindsey. We both giggled.

Lindsey smirked at me, but I ignored it. Nothing romantic was supposed to happen between Venus and I, and I recited it as many times as I could to prevent myself from further damage.


Venus pulled into her driveway, and I spotted Jack sitting on her porch swing by the front door. Before I could exit her car, Venus held my hand and gently pulled me back.

I need to ask you something, she slowly signed.

What's up?

Are you...she fumbled. I wasn't sure what she was asking me, but it was apparent that she was scared to ask. Glancing back at Jack on the porch, who played on his phone, I began to panic over the idea that he could be hurting her and she was trying to ask for help. Or she was going to break up with him and needed me there with her. I didn't know what I wanted her to say, but the more she panicked over asking, the more I panicked over what it could be.

You can ask me anything, I gently replied.

Venus exhaled and smiled sheepishly at me before signing, Are you in a relationship?

You better not be trying to set me up, I deadpanned. Even if I did need to get over Venus, I wasn't going to go on some blind date with someone where I would need an translator and have things be way too awkward between us.

Venus laughed. No. I'm just curious.

I'm not. Why?

Just curious, she smirked.

Before she could exit the car, I pulled her back and glared. No, there's a reason. What's going on?

Nothing. I'm really curious.

Venus, no one has ever liked me that way. You know that.

Not true, she said, shaking her head. I've heard some people mention you're cute, so I was curious if you might have been interested.

I'm not interested in any of them.

You don't know who they are.

I already know I'm not, I assured. I don't care who it is, it won't work if they can't sign. I need that in a relationship.

Venus smirked and signed, Good thing I'm learning then.

I was shocked still as she exited the car. There was no way I could misinterpret that as anything but a flirt. She could have meant it in a friendship sense, but I was friends with Nico, and he didn't know sign language. It was obvious that Venus had just flirted with me, and as much as I wanted to hope she was, just looking at her hugging Jack erased that hope.

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