Chapter Ten

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Chapter 10 - Boyfriend

A full month had passed since I moved to Schaumburg, and I'd made acquaintances with the kids in my gym group and at my lunch table, but Venus and Lindsey still remained my only friends.

I adored Lindsey. She was a sweet girl with a sailor's mouth. It was nice to be able to sign with her and not need a translator. Venus was still working hard at learning sign language, but she wasn't near Lindsey's level quite yet. Thankfully, one of them was always by my side in case I needed a translator, but it was nice to communicate with someone other than my dad who understood everything I signed.

I was looking forward to meeting Lindsey's brother Lucas. He was deaf but used a hearing aid to hear at a high DB. It didn't allow him to hear quite as well as we could, but it was still something. Lindsey had talked Lucas up a few times, and he seemed just as cool as her. Plus, he was an artist, so I was sure we would get along in an artistic way.

Almost every time Lindsey and I hung out, Venus was with us. I never minded hanging out with her, too. I was even upgraded to be at the same level of friendship as Lindsey in the "obviously flirting but not actually flirting" kind of way, which was a lot of fun. It made me feel special, but I had to remind myself every time that it wasn't real flirting and that we were just friends.

Which sucked.

Every time I walked to my locker, I would pass Venus's. She'd walk with me to grab my books, and we'd head to the library for our free period. As I passed her locker this time, I froze when I spotted her giggling and kissing some guy I'd never seen before.

Since there was another way to get to my locker, I decided to turn around to take the long way, but I bumped into Lindsey before I could get away. The moment we locked eyes, her smiled faded and she signed, What's wrong?

Glancing back at Venus and the guy, Lindsey looked at them and cringed. Yeah, I wouldn't want to get caught up in all that either. Jack's a fucking prick. Thinks he can do whatever he wants because he's homeschooled and his mom is the head of schoolboard.

I exhaled and blinked back the tears that began to form in my eyes.

Lindsey's eyes softened as she stared at me. Be honest, please. Do you have feelings for Venus?

I nodded slowly and wiped my eyes. I knew we were just going to be friends, but no matter how many times I'd told myself, I just kept liking her.

Honestly, it seems like Venus likes you, too, Lindsey stated. I see the way she looks at you. Her feelings for Jack aren't romantic. I know they aren't. She can say she loves him all she wants, but I know she doesn't. And so does Lucas. He can vouch for me.

I chuckled.

I bet if she could, she would date you in a heartbeat.

I don't believe she would, I replied, shaking my head. I'm her friend, and she's mine. That's all we'll ever be. And I just have to accept it. And I will. I'm not going to let a crush ruin my first real friendship. 

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