Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter 23 - Kiss or Fight

"Cameron!" Lindsey called as she ran to me down the hall. I peeked out behind my locker and smiled and waved as she approached me. "Okay, I swear I was waiting all last night for you to text me what happened between you and Venus."

I had no idea that was something girls actually did in real life. I thought people just waited until they saw each other in person to talk things out. I didn't know I had to text Lindsey right away, or at all, really.

Did anything happen?

Oh, yeah.

Lindsey squealed. Does this mean you two are dating now?

No, I stated, and she groaned. She doesn't like me that way.

Yes, she does.

No, she doesn't, and I have the proof, I replied. She revealed some personal stuff to me which I won't get into, but after all the important things that were said, she never admitted to being into girls. And I wound up telling her that I was. If she didn't tell me it back, then that means she doesn't like me that way.

Lindsey whined as she leaned against the adjacent locker. That sucks. I could have sworn she likes girls.

Yeah, well based on all the signs she was giving off, I could have sworn she was, too.

What kind of signs?

She kissed my cheek and nose a lot. She called me snuggle bug. She romanticized my eyes. We cuddled and slept in the same bed.

Lindsey gasped. And you still think she's straight?

She had a million opportunities to come out to me. I truly believe that she's just an overly friendly person who flirts with her close girl friends, because she knows nothing more will happen.

Did she mention her dad at all?

A little. Why?

He's a homophobe. She might not have wanted to risk saying anything with him around.

It was just us. No one else was home.

Lindsey groaned and clenched her hands. I am certain that she likes girls. I've seen her stare at them, and she stares at you the same way, only like you're more special. I still believe she likes you, and she may have just been nervous to tell you.

She can talk to me about anything.

Can you talk to your dad about anything?

Of course.

Did you tell him you were gay?

It came up recently.

But you knew before you two talked, right?

I nodded.

There's still the fear that the person you love the most will reject you. That's probably why she didn't say anything to you. She likes you so much that she's afraid you'll push her away if she comes out to you.

As much as I would love to believe that, I refuse to believe anything like that until she comes out to me. I don't want to hurt myself more than I will by letting her continue to act and treat me this way, I stated. I'm only indulging while I can so I can both experience these romantic feelings so I'll be prepared for when I finally do fall in love and because I want to enjoy them before I have to go back to being alone.

You won't be when Venus comes out, Lindsey stated. Mark my words, she will come out to you. She likes you. I know it for a fact.

"Hey, Lindsey," Venus greeted as she strolled up to us. "What are we talking about?"

"Did Lucas tell you the good news?"

"No. What news?"

"He's going to be displayed in the annual art show at the mayor's office."

"Lucky," Venus smiled. "I wish I could be displayed."

You will be. One day. You're too good not to be.

"Thanks, babe, but I'm nowhere near their levels yet."

That doesn't mean you won't eventually be. And what I saw this weekend was amazing. You're definitely an amazing artist, I assured.

Venus wrapped her arms around me from behind and kissed my cheek. "This is why I love you."

"Surely, that can't be the only reason," Lindsey teased.

"Of course, not. I have a million reasons why I love Cameron, and one of them is the way she's always able to support me and her friends. It's admirable," she explained. Pulling away, she rubbed my back before walking down the hall. "I'll meet you in the library. I need to talk to my teacher real quick."

Lindsey smirked at me and crossed her arms triumphantly.

Shut up, I pouted. Though Venus told me she loved me, I still couldn't believe it meant something until she outed herself. 

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