Chapter Twenty

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Chapter 20 - Tell Me

After we finished my movie, Venus chose But I'm A Cheerleader. By this point in the night, Venus laid on her back, and I snuggled between her legs and laid on her chest. Her petting of my hair and rubbing of my back was soothing me to sleep, and as much as I didn't want the night to end just yet, I could hardly keep my eyes open.

Venus tensed beneath me, her hands halting as she gasped softly. Afraid that her dad and step mom returned, my eyes opened and darted around the room before landing on the TV where the two leads, Megan and Graham, were in the middle of having sex. I tensed as well as I peeked at Venus's face.

The Venus stared longingly at the screen made me question yet again whether she could have potentially been gay in some way. Her eyes yearned to be gazed at and held onto the way the two on screen were, and I, too, wanted to experience that sort of romance. The only person I saw myself being able to experience it with was Venus.

I snuggled in deeper to Venus's chest, and she giggled as she began to pet my hair again. "You like this, don't you?" she murmured, her voice suddenly more sultry. All I could do was nod. "You're the only one I've ever been able to pet. Jack hates being touched all gently and sweetly. He only likes making out, and as nice as it can be, it's not what I want."

Hoisting myself up on one arm, I spelled out D-U-M-P H-I-M.

"I can't," she whispered dejectedly. "Both our parents are in business together, and they want the two of us to be together. Until I either leave or eventually get kicked out, I'm stuck dating him."

Resting on my knees, I signed, Is that why he always comes to school? He's forced to spend time with you, too? As Venus sat up straight.

"Sort of. He's homeschooled since he travels with his dad a lot, and his parents still want him to have a normal-esqe life, so they make him sit in on classes with me so he can both learn and get those interaction lessons he'll need to succeed in business."

Does he love you?

"Lusts me more than anything. He's a friend to me. I love him, but not in that way." She sighed. "Although, it's been getting harder to even love him like that."

I'm always here to talk.

Venus leaned forward and kissed my forehead, rubbing my shoulder softly. "You really are the best person I've ever met." I blushed and stared at her lap. Venus fell back on the couch and opened her arms wide. "Now come back, snuggle bug. I need you."

I happily dove back into Venus's arm, hugging her tightly as we finished the movie. Knowing all that about Venus finally brought a sense of hope to me. In her mind, she was single and free. However, that still didn't automatically mean that she had feelings for me. It didn't automatically mean she was attracted to women in some way. Until she told me those words herself, I refused to believe it was true. But that didn't prevent me from hoping it would be.

When the movie ended, I helped Venus clean up the living room before she led me upstairs to her bedroom. I'd only ever seen it through the window, and all I'd ever seen was a bookcase, her fake fern, and the grungy windowsill. Her walls were painted in chalkboard paint, leaving her to draw flowers, dragons, and abstract people in chalk. Her desk was coated in unintentional paint splotches and covered with canvases, paints, water cups, brushes, and more. Her bed was nearly made with a tie-dye bedspread. Only a jacket and a pair of leggings laid on her floor over a moon rug.

These are amazing, I signed as I looked at the chalk drawings. I knew Venus was an artist. I'd seen a couple of her pieces, but they were nothing in comparison to these. These showed her freedom in artwork, not credentials needed to complete an assignment.

"Thank you," Venus beamed as she stared at the artwork in her room. "I've been drawing for as long as I could. I like to think I can curse people out as much as I want without them realizing it."

Sneaky, I smirked.

"I like to think so." She plopped onto the end of her bed and crisscrossed her legs. "What about you? What got you into digital media?"

It's more for editing my photos. I prefer taking the pictures over editing them.

"A picture can speak a thousand words, right?"


Venus grabbed my hand and led me to the bed. Once I sat down, she pushed me back onto the mattress and pulled out her phone. "Let's take one now. One that encapsulates our night together."

Venus pulled up the camera on her phone, and I shuffled closer to her. I laid on my side and rested my hand on her shoulder and snuggled my head up close to her cheek. She turned her head towards me and smiled up at the camera. She checked the picture and smiled. "I'm making this my new background."


"Too bad. We look too cute together," she teased as she set the picture and showed it to me. "Now I'll never forget this night. Every time I open my phone, I'll remember tonight."

Is tonight that special to you?

"Tonight means more to me than you'll ever know," Venus confessed, gazing deep into my eyes. She grabbed my hand without looking away from me, pulled my fingers up to her lips, and kissed them. She placed her other hand over mine. "Thank you for coming tonight."

All I could do was nod, but she knew exactly what I was saying.

I feel the same way.

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