Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter 17 - Questions

Lucas, unaware that they arrived, jumped up and jerked his head back at the two.

"Are you kidding me, Lucas?" Venus snapped. "I know you might want to rebound right now, but you shouldn't do it with someone you have no interest in."

"I'm not rebounding," Lucas confusingly stated. "We're feeling music."

"Is that what they call it now?" Lindsey teased, and Lucas threw a pillow at her.

"You know damn well what it means."

"I don't," Venus whispered to Lindsey.

I held up my wrist with the earbud on it to Venus. She walked up to me, grabbed the earbud, and placed it against her wrist. "Interesting."

Right? I agreed. I narrowed my eyes on her as I hoisted myself onto my knees and faced the back of the couch. You do know nothing was happening between us, right?

You two looked way too comfortable, she frowned. I don't want you to get hurt.

I know he's gay.

Venus glanced at Lucas, who nodded.

"Oh..." She sheepishly rubbed the back of her neck and turned to face Lindsey. "You could have told me she knew."

"This was funnier."

With the two distracted, Lucas signed, She was jealous. You can't deny that.

She was worried.

Jealous. She likes you.

I don't want to hear it.

It's true!

Don't raise your voice at me.

We both stared at each other before laughing hysterics and falling back on the couch.

Lindsey and Venus both stared at us, smiling like mother's do at their little children. "What the hell happened with you two?"

"She-" Lucas couldn't finish because he was wheezing too hard.

"Lucas, would you mind helping me put these away," Lindsey asked, gesturing to the grocery bags around her feet.

Lucas winked at me before hopping over the couch and snatching half the bags from the floor.

Venus walked up to us and sat on the edge of the couch.

Where's J-A-C-K?

"He was being a butt, so I told him to go home early. He had to be home for dinner anyway, and I didn't want him ruining our fun," she explained.

Hopping over the couch to sit next to me, she grabbed Lucas's phone and the earbuds. She placed one on my wrist and one of hers. She leaned her head closer to mine until our foreheads were touching. I closed my eyes and hummed. "Now do you see why I thought he was going to lead you on?" she questioned. "This can be very romantic."

I opened my eyes so I could take all of Venus in, remembering every detail about her so I would never forget this moment. Her nails were chipped navy, and her ring finger softly stroked my wrist. Her lips were purple again today, matching the purple sideless Prince tank she wore. Her black laced bra was visible as the side of her shirt fell, exposing her. Her black skinny jeans rustled against my scarlet leggings, her knee slowly overlapping mine as her bare foot gently caressed mine.

Venus opened her eyes, revealing the shimmering blue that sparkled like clear lake water. Her hand reached out to push a strand of hair behind my ear, and her fingers gently caressed my cheek. I tried to lean into her touch, but she dropped her hand down to my arm.

Glancing up behind Venus, I spotted Lucas and Lindsey scuffling out of the room, smiling like fools. Venus giggled as she stared at me. "What were they doing?" She glanced behind her and sighed. "It's not like we're able to do anything."

And there I was, getting sucked up in her charm. It was the exact opposite of what I needed to do in order to get over her. If I was going to get over Venus, I had to avoid anything romantic that could not be interpreted as friendly. And that was not friendly.

I sat up straight and fixed my hair, ignoring Venus's face.

"What's wrong?" she murmured.


She scoffed. I know enough about you to know that something is up.

How? How did she know how to read me.

I've spent enough time around you to pick up on what you're feeling.

You pay attention to me?

How can't I? You're the most important person to me. Whatever you're willing to give me, I'll take. I won't ever stop wanting to get to know you.

My heart fluttered again, and I felt my cheeks grow hot. Venus paid attention to me and wanted to get to know me more. Once again, it was hard to interpret that as anything but romantic. It was all in the phrasing. A friend wouldn't phrase it like that.

Now I feel bad.

She pouted. Why?

I don't feel like I've learned enough about you to say the same thing.

But you want to?

More than anything, I admitted.

She beamed at me. Then why don't you spend the night?

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