Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter 22 - Snuggle Bug

"Cameron," Venus sang in my ear, giggling softly, "it's time to wake up."

I snuggled my head deeper into the pillow, ignoring her.

"Come on, sweetheart, you have to wake up now."

No, I tiredly signed.

"If you don't get up, I'll tickle you." I could hear the sinister smirk in her voice. I opened my eyes and glared at her, challenging her to do so. Venus smirked right back and dove for my sides, tickling me. I laughed out in pure joy, wanting to beg for mercy but unable to, so I had to push her away as best as I could.

Venus quickly stopped tickling me and rested her chin on my stomach as she laid on top of me. Her eyes shimmered in adoration as she gazed back at me. "Are you ready to wake up now?"

I nodded quickly, and Venus lifted herself up to hover over me. Her hair fell across my face, tickling me softly. "God, you look beautiful when you wake up in the morning."

Shut up, I scoffed.

"It's true. You're always beautiful, but there's something about the way your eyes shimmer with still sleepy look."

They're just brown eyes.

"You kidding? They're the color of rich chocolate," she purred. "When you're upset, they turn into the rocks ships plummet into during a storm, yet when you're happy and laughing, they turn into the soft fur of a cuddly teddy bear, which is exactly what you are."

Wow, I mouthed. In every book I'd read, not once could I recall an author romanticizing brown eyes as dazzling as she did. For the first time, my eyes no longer seemed to be dull or boring. They were anything but ordinary.

Venus leaned down to gently kiss my nose, prompting me to giggle up at her. "Absolutely beautiful."

The words she spoke versus the ones she didn't completely contradicted herself. As much as I wanted to believe the flirting was real and romantic, until she told me herself that she either liked me or girls in general, I couldn't perceive her as anything but overly friendly. It sucked, but at least for the time being, I would experience something. I hoped that it would help me to flush her out of my system.

"How does going out for breakfast sound? The only breakfast food I can cook is cereal."

I'll cook.

"No way. You're my guest."

I don't mind. I'd love to cook you breakfast.

Venus smirked. "Well, if you insist."


The butter sizzled as I delicately poured batter into the pan, and I then flipped the golden, crispy bacon over on the opposite frying pan. Lifting the third pan off the stove top, I scooped the scrambled eggs into a large bowl on the marble countertop.

Venus's hands traced up my spine and rested upon my shoulders. I flashed her a warning look, afraid she'd wind up burning herself.

"I'll be careful," she promised. Venus leaned her body further onto my back, and I hummed, content.

As I reached over to flip the bacon, a speck of grease flew onto my finger. I hissed and shook off the pain, but Venus quickly grabbed my hand. "Shit, are you okay?"

I nodded, prepared to sign with my other hand that I was okay, but she kissed my finger, stunning me.

"You're the real one who needs to be more careful," she chastised. "I don't need you getting hurt, you know."

I'll be fine. It's just grease.

"Still," she pouted. "Be careful, okay?"

As I nodded, Venus leaned in to kiss my cheek before walking to the fridge. I wouldn't be to handle the tug of war between my heart and my brain for much longer.

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