Chapter Nine

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Chapter 9 - Hero

After the hectic events of gym class, the rest of my first day thankfully was a breeze. Lindsey, Venus, and I all shared a lunch period, so I sat with them and two of their other friends. Lindsey was kind enough to translate for me, but I spent most of my time focusing on Venus.

While she didn't show it, it was obvious that she was still shaken up over what happened in gym. I was never going to forget that day, and over the next few weeks, my body didn't either. But I would risk breaking my legs and arms to catch and save Venus again, or any of my classmates. I wasn't the type to leave anyone hanging when I could easily do something to help.

After lunch, I had survey and science, and both classes passed swiftly. I didn't need much of a translator for those classes, but Venus understood enough of the basics to help me communicate when I needed to.

At the end of the day, Lindsey approached Venus and I and asked to go out. I told her I wanted to head home and check on how my dad's first day went, but we made plans for the three of us to meet up later in the week. The fact I had friends who wanted to go out and spend time after school with me was a blessing, and I never took them for granted.

Venus offered to drive me home, one of the perks of being neighbors. The ride home was silent due to the fact that I couldn't say anything, so Venus wouldn't receive any responses. Normally, dad would play some music, but Venus didn't touch the radio. Her face was stoic as she drove us home, obviously trapped in her own mind.

Rather than ask what was wrong when she pulled into her driveway, I signed, I'll see you tomorrow?

"Hey, Cameron," Venus choked out. I completely faced her to show her my attention. "Thanks for saving me in gym class. You're my hero."

It's what any good friend would do. It was true. I considered Venus my best friend. She was there for me all day and was incredibly helpful. Not to mention how she stood up for me against a rude jerk. She didn't judge me, just loved me. And as nice as it would have been to have it be a more romantic type of love, I was happy enough just having her for a friend.

It took Venus a moment to comprehend what I signed, but she smiled and hugged me tightly once she did.

I waved goodbye as I exited her car and cut across my lawn to get to the front door. Dad's car was already parked in the driveway, so I was excited to talk about our days.

"Hey, sugar plum," dad greeted as I walked inside. "How was your first day?"

Before I replied, a woman turned around to smile at me, and I practically gawked at her. Her black hair was cut into a soccer mom style, and she wore a black and white vertical striped business jacket with a plain black pencil skirt and white pumps. Her icy gray eyes stared into mine as she waited for me to reply, but I couldn't.

"Honey, this is Amanda Sikes. She's my new work partner," he introduced. My dad was a job trainer at an online college. His job was to train the newcomers on how to perform their new tasks, and he was promoted to be co-chair of the training facility. It made sense he would have a partner of some sort.

"It's nice to meet you," she said in a posh voice.

You too, I signed.

"What did she say?" she whispered to my dad.

"Likewise," he replied. "She doesn't speak. Hasn't said a word since her mother died."

Dad, I harshly signed.

"It's okay, sweetheart. When I lost my grandfather, I took my anger out on a lot of people and became a bully. People were scared of me all throughout my high school years, but when I joined the work force, things looked up. Everyone grieves in different ways," Amanda replied. It explained why she seemed so posh; she was trying to make an impression.

A car horn honked outside, and we all looked out of the window to spot an Uber. "My ride is here. I'll see you at work tomorrow. I can already tell it will be a pleasure to work with you," she smiled as she held her hand out to my dad.

"Likewise," he replied as he shook her hand.

I watched through the window as Amanda climbed into the Uber and drove off. Smirking back at my dad, I mocked, I can tell it will be a pleasure to work with you.

Dad threw a pillow at my head, and I dodged it. "Oh, hush," he stated. "She's just a work colleague."

You're telling me that wasn't flirting?

"I am not going to flirt with her after working with her for one day. We are work partners, and that is it."

So you don't find her attractive?

"What? Are you looking for a new mom?" he teased.

I tried to think of something to counter, but I couldn't. Just thinking about replacing mom killed me a little inside. It wasn't that I didn't want my dad to eventually date someone and be happy with someone new, because I did. But I felt like making a joke about replacing mom would be spitting on her legacy. I couldn't do it.

"Hey," dad softly cooed as he pulled me into his arms. "I'm sorry." He kissed the top of my head. "I miss her, too. She can't be replaced."

And she wouldn't have needed to be replaced if it weren't for me.

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