Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter 15 - Lucas

"Thank God you were allowed to come. I was worried your dad was going to say no," Lindsey exclaimed as the three of us approached her front door.

He's the one who wants me to make new friends the most, I giggled.

But this one's a boy, Lindsey teased back.


"Um, excuse me," Jack snidely commented, "but do you think we could enter?"

Venus slapped his shoulder and shoved her finger in his face. "Be polite. We're visitors."

Lindsey rolled her eyes as she stepped aside so we could enter. We reciprocated the other's annoyed look. Neither of us were fans of Jack. He was condescending and rude to just about everyone he talked to. Neither of us knew why Venus stuck with him, but from what Lindsey knew about Venus's family, it more than likely had something to do with their parents.

"Lucas!" Lindsey called out, flicking the lights in the living room on and off. Lucas turned around on the couch, and he fixed the gray beanie on his head, showing off his hearing aid. He stood up, his gray flannel flowing as he walked up to us in extremely tight skinny jeans.

When he saw Venus was here, he smiled wide and said, "Hey, it's been a while," while also signing it.

"How have you been?" Venus asked, signing as well.

"Not great. I got dumped," he frowned, signing it as well.

Though I had never been dumped, I had been experiencing heartbreak through rejection. Breakups are the worst.

Lucas smirked at me as he tilted his head. I'm assuming you're C-A-M-E-R-O-N.

I am. It's nice to finally meet you.

You too. He inspected me from head to toe. You're even more beautiful than Lindsey described.

Venus wrapped her arms around me from behind and rested her chin on my shoulder. Though she smiled innocently, I noticed a challenging flare in her eyes. "She's absolutely adorable. One of the many, many things I love about her."

Aren't you possessive, Lucas teased, and Venus rolled her eyes. A clear sign that she didn't have any romantic feelings for me.

"Venus, Jack, why don't we go buy some ice cream," Lindsey suggested, clamping her hands together. "I'm sure they would like to talk."

"I thought we were all here to talk," Venus pouted as Jack pulled her off me.

"No, Cameron is here to meet Lucas. You just invited yourself along, so let's give them some time to actually talk."

"But we-"

"Come on, Vee. You can hang out with him when I'm gone next week. I want to spend time with my girlfriend, not these people."

Jackass, I bitterly signed to Lucas.

I can't argue with that, he agreed. I've only met him twice, and he's a real bonehead.

I snorted in laughter as the front door slammed shut. I could hear Venus complaining from outside about wanting to stick around, but I was honestly, for once, glad she wasn't around. Otherwise, Jack would have been around, and I couldn't deal with him. He was too much for me handle.

Lindsey mentioned you were mute. Is that correct?


Were you born mute?

No, it's selective. I haven't talked in six years.

Mind if I ask why?

If you don't mind listening.

I'd be honored to.

I could already tell I Lucas and I were going to be great friends.

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