19.Back to S.Korea

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Kyujong's POV
        We reached our dorm. We planned to surprise junnie and saengie hyung. So just I went inside.
        "Kyujong ah..you're back???!! Where s she??"junnie asked excitedly.
        I remained quite.
        "Didnt she come with you kyujong ah????"saengie hyung sounded disappointed.
        "It was really hard to convince her hyung. Im really tired. She said......"he didnt leave me finish the sentence.
        "She said that she cant come here right???why did you comeback without her kyujong??? I asked you not to give up right???"
       "Oppa...Im here...."coffee tank entered suddenly.
       They both looked surprised.
       "Princess...../polar bear....."they hugged her.
       "Missed you guys..."
       "We missed you too princess"
       "Sorry for making you worry guys. Now I'm back for good. I will never leave you again...."
       "We either wont let you go polar bear...."
       She smiled.
      "Coffee tank....its time for the auditions.Get ready...."
      "Oh yeah. I'll get ready oppa..."
      "Audition,??? Are you participating princess???"
      "Yeah kyujong oppa asked me to participate oppa. Then I'll get going bye"
      "Princess/coffee tank/polar bear fighting.... "
      "Fighting oppa"she left.
      I can clearly see the charm back in their faces.
      "Finally....I got to see hyung's smile again and baby is happy too
..Is Coffee tank the only reason for your smile guys???"
      "Yeah she is the key for our happiness kyujong ah"junnie said.
      "We have a surprise for you guys....."saengie hyung said.
       I looked at him confused.
      "Dont just stand here. Audition is gonna start. Lets go there. Come on..."
      "Are we going to judge hyung???"
      "Yeah. But only me,CEO and another person for this round. You're just going to come with me for today"
       We went to the studio where the audition is held. As soon as I entered I was surprised by the sight I saw.
       "Hi kyujong ah"he smiled."I missed you"he hugged me.
       "You discharged from military early too??"
       He nodded.
       I was so happy to see him again. We talked for awhile till the auditions started.
       Few contestants gave their performance and left. It was coffee tank's turn. She sang our song LET ME BE THE ONE. She sang it really well.But whom did she sing it for??? Or did she just randomly picked the song??,!! Whatever may be...it was awesome. After singing she looked at me.I just showed my thumbs up.She smiled.
         "Pri...Nikitha ssi,I didnt know you could sing this well....it was daebak. Lets move on to the next round.You're selected"saengie hyung smiled.
           After that...other contestants performed and finally the audition for today was over.The CEO wanted to talk with coffee tank and so she left with him. Jungmin wanted to meet hyunjoong hyung and so we 4 left to see him. I texted coffee tank about us meeting hyung and that we'll be back to home late.
          We went to meet hyung. He was actually busy with his drama shooting.
         "Hyung..."we 4 called him.
         "Jung min ah!!!you're back??!!already???!!"he hugged him.
         It was soo cute to see Gaemal together again.We smiled at the sight. They're so lovely. How much we 3 missed them....I cant describe them in words......we talked for awhile.While we were talking I noticed a teardrop cornered in both my hyungs' eyes. I can clearly understand how much they have waited for this moment. Both leader and subunit's leader must've missed each other. I know how much they're helpful to each other. The way they take care of the other members...their love for us...their responsibility towards us....Are there words to describe it?? And here....to my left..,stands jungmin and hyungjun. They're strangely quite at the moment...but Im waiting for the the moment when they will be  back to normal-The Tom and Jerry moments...Im dying to see that. They're really kids....
        "Hyung.....for how long we've waited for this moment???!!! We 5 are together at the same place. Its really great to see us 5 together again...we should do an album soon...."junnie squealed.
        "Junnie ah we are FIVE FOREVER AS ONE. No matter what...we'll be together always and forever until eternity. Lets make an album soon....before you enlist...."khj hyung said.
       "Yeah hyung....lets make an album soon....I've talked to our CEO already"saengie hyung smiled. Behind that smile was his yearning for this moment...Im sure. When did he even talk to our CEO???I really didnt know. Love you both my hyungs....Im looking forward to work in that album..We took a selca and posted it in our SNS.We've got so many likes and comments and shares....Everyone was talking about us. Whoa...!!!the current hot topic is us!!!!
We talked alot for awhile before the director called hyung. Jungmin said that he is tired and wanna take rest.So he left to home first. We 3 went to make some surprise plans for coffee tank.
Nikitha's POV
           After meeting with the CEO I went back home. The boys must've missed me so much. I wanted to apologise to them and so I baked a cake for them. After finishing the cake,I refrigerated it and went out to do some business. They probably would come home late. Before that I have to return home. After my business had been finished I returned home. I locked the door before I left but its unlocked now. Are they back already??!! I entered the house and found it unusual. This is not how I left the house. All the magazines are shattered on the table. A plate of cookies with a bite in one of it was also there.
        "Are you guys back already???"
         I searched the rooms and found no one. When I was approaching the kitchen, I saw someone sitting in the dining table. I could see only his back.He didnt look like any of the 3 guys. Wait....that guy is eating the cake that I baked. Omo..!!!he almost finished it. I went near him and was surprised to see jungmin oppa.
      He took off his headset.
      "Who are you???how can you come in???"
      "Oppa...you shouldn't have eaten the cake."I whined.
      "Why??? Cakes are there to eat them....arent they???"
       He took a piece of cake and ate that.
      "Han ji...."I whined. Omo...!!!why did I see him as Han ji but not Jungmin oppa???!!!
      "Ohh...you are my fan huh??heyyy...even if you are my fan you should not come here...wait...I think I know you....you are one of the contestants right??you were the one who sang Let me be the one right???!!! I must approve that you sang really well. Yeah.. I loved your performance....."
          "Komawo oppa...."
          "Hey you're being informal"
          "Mianhae oppa...but you shouldn't have eaten the cake...it was for SS301 oppas."
          "Whats the problem princess???"the 3 stood few feet  away.
          "Oppa....I baked a cake for you 3.But jungmin oppa ate almost all."
        "Oh thats it??!!! This is enough for us polar bear"junnie oppa took the remaining one piece...,had a bite and fed the other two.
         "Princess....???!!! Hyung...you didnt say me you got a girlfriend already"jungmin oppa said.
         "Girlfriend???!!!Hahaha...no. She is not my girlfriend. She is my sweet little princess"
         "Hyung...who is she actually???"
         "Jungmin ah....she was our manager till last month. She was working in Boys over flowers 2 and so she had to quit. Now she is back through auditions."Kyujong oppa introduced me.
        "Hi Jungmin oppa"I smiled.
        "Hi. Nice to meet you and whats your name???"
        "Im Nikitha oppa."
        "Nikitha?!!mmm..nice.Seems you're so close to these guys that they call you with nicknames...??!!"
        "Ahhh dae oppa. Ys oppa calls me princess,kj oppa calls me Coffee tank and junnie oppa calls me with different names each day.But Polar bear was my long lasting name"
         "Ohhh..Then what about khj hyung???"
         "Hyunjoong oppa calls me
         "Cookie??!!"all 4 asked.
         "Yeah. In bof2 I eat alot of cookies and so song woo bin oppa calls me that. Since he was used to call me that,he calls me cookie both onscreen and offscreen. So khj must've also liked the name and so he cals me that"
          "Ohhhh"was their reply..
          "Then I think I should call you Fondant"
          "Yeah...because fondant was missing in your cake and so Im gonna call you that"he smiled l.
          "Ok then oppa"
          "Polar bear...we have some good news"
          "Whats that oppa????!!!"I asked excitedly.
          "We'll soon release an album princess....as 5"
          "Jeongmal???!!!whoa!!!"I jumped up and down.
          "Whoa!!you really are excited. Are you a TripleS???"jungmin oppa asked.
          "Ofcourse I am. I love you guys so much. I love your songs alot...."
          "Is it??!! Then who is your bias???"
          "Kang min hyuk oppa"
          "Mmm"I nodded.
          "Fine. Among us??!!"
          "Are you asking to choose among you???I really cant do that oppa..."
          "This answer is not accepted fondant..."
          "I really cant choose...really
......ok fine.mmm......youngsaeng oppa."  
          "Why...is that hyung but not us??"
          "I dont really know but he was my first crush in SS501. And...I really feel comfortable around him"
          "Hmmm.ok"he pouted and turned his face to his right.
           Ys oppa was smiling and the the other 2 looked little sad.
          "Fondant....who is your 2nd most liked person??"
          "All 4 of you"
          "Answer not accepted"
          "Leader??!!you like only ahjusshis..."he pouted.
          "Yah...jungmin ah.you're dead"ys oppa yelled.
          "Hahaha mianhae hyung"
          "Oppa...I cant really choose among you. Dont make it hard for me..."I frowned.
          "Araso araso polar bear. We're not asking you choose between us"
          "Thats good"
           A few weeks passed. Like they said, SS501 released an album '501 Never Apart'.
Its tracks..:
         1. Its title song & MV 'Komawayo TripleS' was really a touching one. It was a melody and was a real filming with the boys and few TS. It expressed how thankful the boys are to the TS for all their support and patience.It showed how much they loved their fans...It also showed the TS point of view like how much they believed SS501 and how they never gave up....
      2.Another MV Hiatus trouble showed how much they missed being together and what they were doing during the hiatus.
     3.To my Princess and Y.E.S- youngsaeng oppa's solo.
     4.Henecia Love & my beloved Cookie- leader's solo.
     5.Thankyu Coffee tank - kyujong oppa's solo.
     6.Fondant Kazok - jungmin oppa's solo.
     7.Polar Junus - hyungjun oppa's solo.
     All their solo was dedicated to their individual fandom and a small part belonged to me.It was such a great album. It was so beautiful..-everything...the songs..,lyrics...,music...,their expressions....everything was beautiful.

         Within the 2 weeks Jungmin oppa grew so closer with me. But Im really afraid to wake him up in the morning....but if sometimes..I was the one who woke him up...he'll let it go. If it was the other guys...,thats it for them. And thats when I enjoy the most. Not to mention their tom&jerry moments....nothing can give more happiness than those moments.

A/N  Hey guys how are you??? Im so much happy and excited that uri leader is coming back.Kyujong oppa's bday is also approaching. So much moments to be happy for. Hope leader will be back to slay and also Im hoping for SS501's album. But before jungmin oppa actually discharges, hyungjun oppa will be enlisted. Hope Jan 5,2019 will be our day!!!!
        And this story will come to an end soon. Only 2 chapters more!!!

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