9.Meeting my love ♥AARON YAN♥

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           I Woke up next day and was  getting ready to tour the city.Someone knocked my door.  
         "Good morning princess"
         "Good morning oppa"
        "Are you ready princess???"
        "Almost oppa. Just 2 minutes..."
       "Okay fine. Before that,would you like to drink coffee or something???"
       "Mmm yeah... I'l have a cup of coffee"
       "Okay then. Let me order it for you"
       "Komapta oppa. Where are the others???"
       "They are getting ready still"
       "By the way princess,you are looking beautiful"
       "Ahh....chincha??? Komawo"
I smiled.
       "How do I look???"
       "As usual great oppa. Just like a prince but in western outfit"
        "Haha. Komawo"
         My coffee was delivered and after drinking it, we(myself,youngsaeng oppa,kyujong oppa and hyung jun oppa) went to the the shopping mall,as Mr.park left to korea first.
       We were shopping various stuffs and these 3 guys...I actually didnt ask any gifts from them but they bought. They gave me a wrist watch, beautiful slippers and a dress.
         I bought sunglasses for all the 3. When we were walking through the shops, we heard someone singing.
        Ohhh myyy gawwdd.... its Aaron!!! My favourite taiwanese idol. I just fell in love with him,when I watched just you!!!! I actually want my prince charming to be someone like kim bum oppa,kang min hyuk oppa or aaron. He is really really amazinggg.....
          He is now singing the song, Unstoppable Sun from just you!!
         He finished singing and looked at the people gathered there and thanked them. He suddenly looked at our direction,climbed down the stairs and was coming towards us. He stopped near us and hugged the 3 boys.
     "Hey, wussup guys?? You didnt tell me you are coming to taipei.......how are you all doing???"
      "We are doing great,Aaron hyung" hyung jun replied.
      "We actually came here for a fanmeet" the leader of the sub unit informed.
       "Ohh....I didnt knew about it. Sorry.When is the fanmeet then??"
       "Its over yesterday,hyung. We are simply exploring the taipei city" kyujong said.
       "Oh I see... by the way,who is she??"
       "She is our new manager, Nikitha" kyujong introduced me.
      "Hi Aaron oppa. I am happy that I met you. I am actually a huge fan of yours. Just you....its just awesome. I am watching it again and again,just for you. And I am watching your Refresh man,currently" I said.
       "Hi nikitha. Thanks for your support.Where are you from??"
       "I am from India"
         He was proceeding with some questions and I was answering him. I could see the jealousy in our boys' faces.
        "Hyung, can you accompany us for breakfast??" Hyung jun asked.
         "Sure.Just a minute, I'l inform my manager"
          We had our breakfast together. And we asked Aaron,if he could accompany us to explore the city. We are new to this place and we need someone to guide us through the city. He agreed and first, we went to the national museum of marine biology and aquarium.
         We reached there and we were welcomed by the dolphin fountain. I took out my mobile to take pictures, accompanying hyung jun, who was doing the same with his camera.
         We went in. We saw many kinds of fishes inside the big and tall glasses. Then we entered a place like tunnel. We could see many fishes,seaplants etc on 3 sides~left,right and above our heads.
     "Aaron oppa,isn't it the same aquarium from 'just you'??"
     "Its so cool"
     "Wait.Theres another place you have to see"
      "Whats it hyung??"kyujong asked.
      "Come along. I'l take you"
       We walked and suddenly he stopped. And so,we were.
        "Here we are"
        "Whoa!!! Dolphin show???!!!"
        "Come. Lets sit and watch"
         We sat in the stairs near the pool and watched the show.
         Then we went to the aquarium shopping centre and purchased various things.
          After exploring the aquarium,we went to the food centre and had our lunch.
        Then we headed to taipei zoo.
       "I'm so excited to see the zoo, Aaron oppa"I exclaimed.
       "You'll scream more,when you get inside"
         We went in.
        "This is the most famous zoological garden in taiwan and largest zoo in asia"
         Aaron was telling about the zoo to us. We went through the giant panda house,asian tropical rainforest area,desert animal area,bird world,insectorium,penguin house,children's zoo....etc.
     We stopped by asian tropical rainforest area. We saw asian elephants,bengal tigers etc.
       "Wow bengal tigers!!! My indian siblings....."
       "Turtle oppa, please click a picture for me with my indian sibling",I stood beside the tiger(ofcourse,outside the cage)and asked hyung jun.
       Then we came to stop by formosan animal area.
       We saw formosan sika deer,formosan rock macaques,formosan pangolins,formosan serows,european otters etc.
        "Whoa otter??!! I'm seeing it for the first time."
        "Chincha???" I heard 3 voices.
        "Yeah. I have seen turtle and gorilla already. But this is my first time seeing an otter. I heard there are otters in indian zoos too and I have also been to vandaloor zoo and mysore zoo. But I was too small then. I dont remember seeing any otter"
      "Ohh"again the 3 voices said in unison.
      "Hello bro,you may be european otter. But here is my asian otter. Say hello to him" I talked with that otter.
       With that,we went to many other places in the zoo and within hours,we are flying back to korea. We said our goodbyes to Aaron and headed towards the airport.
       As usual I took my seat besides kyujong and youngsaeng and hyungjun sat together.
       "Why are you sad oppa??? Are you tired???"I questioned kyujong.
        "Then why are you sad??"
        "It doesnt concern you"
         "Why are you being harsh oppa??"
         "I am not"
         "Wae geu rae??"
         "Tch....what happened to you??"
         "Can you keep quite??"
         I kept quite and took out my mobile to hear songs. I plugged in the earphone and when I was about to put it on my ear,
      "You both were so close"
      "You and Aaron yan"
      "Really??!! I think its because he is my favourite idol. You know what?? I really want my prince charming to be someone like kim bum oppa,kang min hyuk oppa or aaron yan"
      "Are you jealous oppa??"
      "Whatt??why should I??"
      "You are"
      "I am not"
      "You definitely are"
      "Cant you hear me??? I am not jealous on anyone. Why are you annoying me???"he said and continued,"hyung, can we exchange seats??"he asked youngsaeng.
        They exchanged the seats. I just sigghhed.
        "Hi princess"his face was not good as well.
        "Hello oppa"
        "How did you enjoy your day??"
        "It was really great. Starting from hearing Aaron's song,having breakfast and lunch with him,exploring the zoo and aquarium with him...everything was just daebak. I just loved the day"
     "Then,didnt you like shopping with us and our gifts?? I am sad"
     "Oh no oppa. Mianhae. I just said I liked touring with him. I just love him that much. Thats why I forgot about your gifts"
      "You forgot?? What did you say???!!! We are not important to you right? Thats why you forgot us for him. You forgot us for him. Greatt...!!!! "
       "Why are you geting angry oppa?? I didnt mean it."
        "I dont need your explanations"
         "Okay fine"
         "To be honest, I didnt like you being with him either"
         "You too oppa??!! I thought only he was fooling around but you too. Great." I sighed and went to hyung jun.
       "Oppa, I'm going to sit here. Tell him to go back"
         Kyujong looked at me and went back to sit next to youngsaeng. Urghh!!!! These 2 idiots!!! I am not going to talk with them. And here, maknae hyung jun~will he be different??? He wont be. Right?? So I just sat,put the earphones in and started listening to songs.
        Then there was an announcement,saying that the flight is gonna take off. The plane took off. And again, I started listening to songs.
        Suddenly,someone took one of the earpiece. It was hyung jun oppa. I looked at him and he smiled. I smiled too. Then he put the earpiece on his ears asking,
     "What song are you listening to??"he asked and looked at the screen.I actually paused the song."oh its our song YOU ARE MY HEAVEN. Why did you pause it???play it"
       "Arent you angry oppa"
       "For what??"
        "For being with Aaron"
       "No. Why should I??"
       "They both are.So I thought you would be too..."
       "No no. I am not angry. I just didnt like it. I felt jealous but I am not angry"
     "Komawo oppa."
      Then we started hearing songs and whenever kyujong or youngsaeng appears on screen, I punched them with the tip of my fingers.
       I heard a chuckle.
       "Whats with that smile oppa??"
       "Nothing. You continue punching. But remember,they are not gonna get hurt but your mobile"
      "Oh yeah. I didnt think that. How stupid I was??!!"
       "Haha silly girl" he ruffled up my hair.

I took so long. Mianhae. How many of you like Aaron yan??

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