Chapter One

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Crystal's POV

I watched a jet touched down on what seem to be huge ship almost. I hovered for a few seconds, flapping my wings softly, loving the feel of the wind ruffling my feathers. I watched as people on the ship scattered, running like ants to go do their work. I finally noticed three people walking around slowly, it looked like they were also seeing this for the first time.

I reluctantly flew down, letting my wings disappear on contact. I asked, "So, where exactly are we?"

The red haired woman turned towards me holding a hand out, "You must be Shadow Angel. We're in New York, aboard what we like to call the Hellicarrier."

I looked towards the two men and said, "So you must be Capt. Steve Rogers and Bruce Banner. Pleasure to meet you, you can call me Crystal."

Steve held a hand out to me and I shook it firmly while Bruce said, "Quite an impressive file you have, Crystal."

I nodded a little to Bruce and said, "I care not to think about it too much."

He smiled slightly and said, "You and me both."

The red haired woman from before said, "You might want to step inside, it's going to get a little hard to breathe."

Suddenly mechanical noises sounded and Steve asked, "Is this a submarine?"

"Really, they want me in a submerged pressurize container?" Bruce asked.

I turned the woman in this, "I'm sorry, did I get your name?"


"Pleasure to meet you." I said bowing my head a little.

Suddenly the Hellicarrier started rising into the air. I looked at Natasha and asked, "Are you kidding me?"

She shook her head, "Come on guys."

She led us inside and down a hallway until we came to what must've been the control room. Everyone was hurrying about and looking at computers. I crossed my arms on the railing, looking over all the people. No one noticed me, they were working too well to even acknowledge my presence. I nodded to myself, I could respect that.

I felt a hand clap on my shoulder, "Shadow Angel."

"Fury." I nodded, not looking away from the people below me.

He asked, "Did you pack at all?"

I shook my head, "I figured I'd find out how long we were staying and then head home to pack, not like I'll be very long."

"You are not to leave." He said, raising an eyebrow at me. "You know that."

I smirked a little and asked, "Has that ever stopped me before? Besides, it'll take me ten minutes tops."

"This is the Hellicarrier, not the SHIELD bases. You'll do it in five and have time to spare, got it?" He ordered.

"Sir yes sir." I sighed. "How long do I pack for? And what?"

"Anything you might need for a while." He paused and said, "For war."

I nodded taking in the information. I said, "See you right here in five minutes."

"Four and a half." He reminded.

"Right, time to spare." I sighed before teleporting back home.

I quickly grabbed a bag and threw in my usual stuff, a few pair of black soft skinny jeans, some random T-shirts, a pair of black Nike's and Jordan's, basketball shorts, a few black tanks and my usual leather jacket that has holes for my wings. I grabbed my mini backpack as a last thought before teleporting back. I looked at Fury and he said, "Three and a half, not bad."

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